Bug #25539
closedRecurring Logics : strange behavior
I’ve setup some jobs using recurrings logics running every 30min.
When I create a snapshot of my environment at time T and restore it 2 or 3 days later the schedule job will run T+1, T+2, etc until it reaches the current time. If the snapshot is 3 days old it will start the job 144 times.
The date/time is set/synchronized at boot time using ntpdate.
This should not happen but the schedule job should just start on the next occurrence.
Updated by Ivan Necas over 6 years ago
aruzicka: I suspect https://github.com/theforeman/foreman-tasks/blob/d42a613e346c31b316367be76869f1035e4d284e/app/lib/actions/recurring_action.rb#L16 is casing this, as we related the next occurrence based on the previous task's start_at time: shouldn't we take `Time.now` into consideration as well?
Updated by Adam Ruzicka over 6 years ago
That makes sense. I already talked with mhulan about this and we came to the same conclusion.
Updated by Adam Ruzicka over 3 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #27091: Hourly Scheduled sync plan executed every minute on upgraded Satellite VM's(6.4.z to 6.5 GA). added