Bug #25752
closedconsole error occurs in layout.test.js
When running layout.test.js a console error occurs:
console.error node_modules/jest-prop-type-error/index.js:8 Warning: The tag <notification> is unrecognized in this browser. If you meant to render a React component, start its name with an uppercase letter. in notification (created by UserDropdowns) in li (created by NavItem) in NavItem (created by UserDropdowns) in ul (created by Nav) in Nav (created by VerticalNav.IconBar) in nav (created by VerticalNav.IconBar) in VerticalNav.IconBar (created by UserDropdowns) in UserDropdowns (created by Layout) in BaseVerticalNavMasthead (created by VerticalNav.Masthead) in VerticalNav.Masthead (created by Layout) in nav (created by BaseVerticalNav) in Unknown (created by withContext(Component))