Bug #25795
closedLDAP - When User Group sync is enabled, user wait long time to authenticate / login
Description of problem:
Currently, there is a feature called User Group sync, so when enabled, Foreman will bind the external Auth Source and will try to match the user on User Group already defined on the Sat side. If match, the system will assign automatically the role related and on the fly / first login, the login page will be according to the roles.
This feature works fine when the account is member of few groups, but when we are talking about a huge number of groups this happens all the time the login process can spend a long time to conclude.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Configure the LDAP Auth
2. Create the user on AD
3. Create a bunch of groups on AD like 100
4. Add the user on all groups
5. Login on the Foreman via webUI with the User Group Sync enabled
Actual results:
Spend a long time to conclude the process/check and login.
Expected results:
Be faster then today.
Additional info:
Updated by The Foreman Bot about 6 years ago
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/6388 added
Updated by The Foreman Bot about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
Updated by Ondřej Ezr about 6 years ago
Upon a disscusion, It have been decided to change the behabiour a bit.
See the pull request.
Updated by Anonymous almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset 17c4b47e5924c9b312bc15ac936165cc82360c1f.
Updated by Tomer Brisker over 5 years ago
- Related to Bug #27402: The Foreman "forgets" group members after update to 1.22.0 added
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #31165: LDAP usergroup sync makes logins very slow added