Bug #25842
closedDNS resolver should not be case sensitive
I'm totally new here, so I'd like to say kindly hello to the project team in first.
I installed foreman on a bare metal installed CentOS7 like described in your documentation and faced against a minor bug in foreman-installer prerequsites.
The installer already fails if the hostname is case-sensitive for forward and reverse resolution only.
[root@FOREMAN ~]# foreman-installer -i
Reverse DNS foreman.testlab.site.example.local does not match hostname FOREMAN.testlab.site.example.local
Your system does not meet configuration criteria
[root@FOREMAN ~]#
[root@FOREMAN ~]#
[root@FOREMAN ~]# host FOREMAN.testlab.site.example.local
FOREMAN.testlab.site.example.local has address
[root@FOREMAN ~]# host domain name pointer foreman.testlab.site.example.local.
[root@FOREMAN ~]#
DNS names should not be case sensitive.
See also here
http :// tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00
https :// developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/security?csw=1#randomize_case
As a workaround I added following line to /etc/hosts esh-mgmtsrv01-t foreman.testlab.site.example.local
After the workaround the installer succeeded