Feature #25904
openNeed integration of organizations and locations with discovery plugin
The discovery plugin is effectively not integrated with the organizations and locations mechanism of Foreman. All discovered hosts can only be associated to a single specific organization and location (the limitation on location being especially problematic if hosts may be discovered by different proxies in different datacenters). This behavior also transitively requires that all the related entity types used during discovery (subnets, domains, and so forth) have to be part of the same default organization and location for discovery. e.g. All of the subnets and domains utilized during discovery much be in the "Global" location because it is the default for discovered hosts. This implementation renders the organizations and locations features basically useless as part of the management of discovered hosts.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need more information
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Thanks for the feedback, we are aware of these limitations. You can however set taxonomy according to subnet today, it's clunky but it's described in the discovery documentation.
I would love to hear what is your organization workflow and how you would like this to be implemented.