Bug #26028
closedRemoving recurring logic fails with `katello_sync_plans.recurring_logic_id does not exist`
# in rails console > rl = ForemanTasks::RecurringLogic.last > rl.destroy ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column katello_sync_plans.recurring_logic_id does not exist) LINE 1: ...llo_sync_plans".* FROM "katello_sync_plans" WHERE "katello_s... ^ : SELECT "katello_sync_plans".* FROM "katello_sync_plans" WHERE "katello_sync_plans"."recurring_logic_id" = $1 LIMIT $2
Updated by The Foreman Bot about 6 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Ready For Testing
- Pull request added
Updated by Ivan Necas about 6 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset katello|0f752247afe4c00be788390c0fc78a5a50da190a.
Updated by Christine Fouant about 6 years ago
- Target version set to Katello 3.12.0
- Triaged changed from No to Yes