Bug #27614
closedAccessing the subscriptions from "Add subscriptions" page redirecting it to either other subscription details or shows 'undefined' or 'no resource loaded'
Description of problem:
While accessing the subscriptions from "Add subscriptions" page redirecting it to either other subscription details or shows 'undefined' or 'no resource laoded'.
Earlier it was landing to a custom product page but after deleting the custom product, it is showing the above mentioned error.
One thing to notice is that URL when we hit the subscription name from the list of the subscriptions on the same page after clicking the "Add subscriptions" is of the same subscription pool ID.
For eg.
If I click on "Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform" which has the pool id "88938501232323bb48fad245343234322". it will land to the page with the following URL but actual content will be either a custom product or "undefined" or "not loaded" pop up appears.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
- Red Hat satellite 6.5
Steps to Reproduce:
1. On Satellite WebUI, navigate to "Content -> Subscriptions".
2. Click "Add subscriptions" which will load the subscription
3. Click on any of the listed subscriptions.