Bug #27641
openUser role filter for 'view fact_values' not working properly
Original support thread: https://community.theforeman.org/t/user-role-filter-for-host-values-not-working-properly/15008
Creating a new user role with specific organisation and location with the view_facts filter results in not seeing any facts and cannot set filter to Unlimited. Removing organisation and location from the role switches all filters to Unlimited and the filter starts working.
I would think that either seeing all hosts facts from all organisations and locations or none at all is a bug. Facts should be connected to same org/loc as the host it's associated to and filterable as such, but seems to not work that way currently.
See the original support thread for some more information.
Software Versions:
Foreman 1.22
Katello 3.12.2
No data to display