Bug #27657
closedForman/Katello issue with Puppet6 after upgrading Foreman/katello and Puppet server
OS Version : CentOS 7.6-1810
Foreman Version : 1.22.0
Katello : 3.12.1
OS Version : CentOs 7.6-1810
Puppet server : 6.5.0-1.el7
Puppet agent : 6.7.2-1.el7
Error Message
Tried to load unspecified class: Time
- "https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-9506"
- "https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/26763#change-124655".
- "https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/8147"
in katello V3.12.1
But for me the pb is issued is always present.
Normally the pb is in katello_server:<path>/info_provider.rb.
The puppet:<path>/node.rb return a bad time format.
I hava added some file for helping you.
I have found a workaroud, but I m not satisfied about. workaroud code modification :
27 content_view_info = {
28 'label' => host.content_view.try(:label),
29 'latest-version' => host.content_view.try(:latest_version),
30 'version' => content_version.try(:version),
31 'published' => content_version.try(:created_at).try(:time).to_s *+ " "*,
32 'components' => content_view_components
33 }