Bug #28178
closedRepository create with http_proxy name fails with Error: Found more than one http_proxy.
Target version:
Bugzilla link:
Repository create with http_proxy name fails with Error: Found more than one http_proxy.
hammer> repository create --name RenuRani7 --product-id 1 --content-type yum --url '' --http-proxy TestProxy --http-proxy-policy use_selected_http_proxy Could not create the repository: Error: Found more than one http_proxy. hammer>
Actual Result:
Error: Found more than one http_proxy.
Expected Result:
Able to create Repository using http_proxy name.
Updated by Vijay Singh over 5 years ago
- Related to Tracker #28179: [Tracker] Content Mgmt: http_proxy issues added
Updated by James Jeffers over 5 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
James Jeffers)
Reproduced this with 2 http proxies - "TestProxy" and "TestProxy2". Using hammer
hammer repository create --name VijayTest2 --product-id 2 --content-type yum --url '' --http-proxy TestProxy --http-proxy-policy use_selected_http_proxy
Hammer invokes an API request:
14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [I|app|b1971d02] Started GET "/api/http_proxies?name=TestProxy&per_page=1000&page=1" for at 2019-11-01 14:13:21 +0000 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [I|app|b1971d02] Processing by Api::V2::HttpProxiesController#index as JSON 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [I|app|b1971d02] Parameters: {"name"=>"TestProxy", "per_page"=>"1000", "page"=>"1", "apiv"=>"v2", "http_proxy"=>{}} 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [D|app|b1971d02] Authenticated user admin against INTERNAL authentication source 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [I|app|b1971d02] Authorized user admin(Admin User) 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [D|tax|b1971d02] Current location set to none 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [D|tax|b1971d02] Current organization set to none 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [D|tax|b1971d02] Current location set to none 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [D|tax|b1971d02] Current organization set to none 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [I|app|b1971d02] Rendering api/v2/http_proxies/index.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/index_layout 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [I|app|b1971d02] Rendered api/v2/http_proxies/index.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/index_layout (17.0ms) 14:13:21 rails.1 | 2019-11-01T14:13:21 [D|app|b1971d02] Body: { 14:13:21 rails.1 | | "total": 2, 14:13:21 rails.1 | | "subtotal": 2, 14:13:21 rails.1 | | "page": 1, 14:13:21 rails.1 | | "per_page": 1000, 14:13:21 rails.1 | | "search": null, 14:13:21 rails.1 | | "sort": { 14:13:21 rails.1 | | "by": null, 14:13:21 rails.1 | | "order": null 14:13:21 rails.1 | | }, 14:13:21 rails.1 | | "results": [{"id":1,"name":"TestProxy","url":"","username":"admin"},{"id":2,"name":"TestProxy2","url":"","username":""}] 14:13:21 rails.1 | | }
While the parameter is actually the name of one of the http proxies, the list returned is actually all http proxies that match that name. The supplied name is a search, and not a unique identifier according to how the API controller is implemented.
Updated by Justin Sherrill over 5 years ago
- Target version set to Katello Backlog
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Updated by The Foreman Bot about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Assignee set to Chris Roberts
- Target version deleted (
Katello Backlog) - Pull request added
Updated by Chris Roberts about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset hammer-cli-katello|1d3e98bf0c35b08c62489dcccfc7e6b316240280.
Updated by Jonathon Turel about 5 years ago
- Target version set to Katello 3.15.0