Bug #29816
closedsatellite-maintain snapshot backup do not restore the Red Hat Satellite services if it fails.
Cloned from
Description of problem:
satellite-maintain snapshot backup fails to restore the services if it fails at any stage of backup.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
1) Check the services status.
2) Rhun below command to take the backup:
- satellite-maintain backup snapshot --assumeyes /var/log/foremain_maintain_$(date +%F_%H_%M).log
If the backup fails which can happen due to multiple reasons, then restore services part won't get executed. This results in Red Hat Satellite server in unresponsive state.
To restore the server back, need to restart the services manually like:- katello-service restart
Actual results:
Failed Red Hat Satellite server services.
Expected results:
Should restore the Red Hat Satellite services back even if the backup fails at any stage.
Updated by Suraj Patil almost 5 years ago
- Assignee changed from Anurag Patel to Suraj Patil
Updated by Amit Upadhye almost 4 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #29815: Foreman-maintain should turn off the maintenance mode and start the service if backup fails in between added