Bug #3156
Foreman allows underscores in hostnames
Added by Petter Hassberg over 11 years ago.
Updated over 10 years ago.
If I enter a hostname with an underscore in it while creating a new host,
eg "ore1-func_2", then foreman won't complain although the smart-proxy won't be able to update the dns record.
reproduced in foreman-1.2.1-1.el6.noarch
- Category set to Host creation
We'll have to be careful implementing this, as underscores are valid in domains. Perhaps we can prohibit it in the hostname and permit it only in the domain portion.
If you go down that road, watch out for unmanaged Hosts, we specify the FQDN in the name field there...
Since those host names are not allowed by the DNS RFC, it should be discouraged. (In practice it may or may not work since most software does accept it.) From http://domainkeys.sourceforge.net/underscore.html: Host names are not allowed to have underscores in them. In DNS, host names are the name fields of A or MX records or the data fields of the SOA and NS records. Thus, there are many DNS entries that are not hostnames.
- Is duplicate of Bug #3697: Field Validations Should be more Comprehensive added
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
Shipped in 1.4 via #3697.
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