Bug #31897
openHeadline api feature per_page=all doesn't work for all resources
Target version:
Wanted to use parameter per_page=all with /api/fact_values but dit not get any results.
❯ http --timeout 600 --json get "$FOREMAN_URL/api/fact_values" search="name = solute_apt_updates::available_updates::count" per_page=all | jq ".total, .per_page, .results|length" 0 0 0 ❯ http --timeout 600 --json get "$FOREMAN_URL/api/fact_values" search="name = solute_apt_updates::available_updates::count" per_page=10000 | jq ".total, .per_page, .results|length" 0 10000 1014
Same with api/hosts thin=true
❯ http --timeout 600 --json get "$FOREMAN_URL/api/hosts" thin=true per_page=all | jq ".total, .per_page, .results|length" 0 0 0 ❯ http --timeout 600 --json get "$FOREMAN_URL/api/hosts" thin=true per_page=3000 | jq ".total, .per_page, .results|length" 1055 3000 1055 ❯ http --timeout 600 --json get "$FOREMAN_URL/api/hosts" thin=true | jq ".total, .per_page, .results|length" 1055 2000 1055
Since this was a headline feature of the 2.2.0 release and we just updated to 2.3.2. i was quite excited to use this.
Works fine without thin=true
❯ http --timeout 600 --json get "$FOREMAN_URL/api/hosts" | jq ".total, .per_page, .results|length" 1055 2000 1055 ❯ http --timeout 600 --json get "$FOREMAN_URL/api/hosts" per_page=all | jq ".total, .per_page, .results|length" 1055 1055 1055 ❯ http --timeout 600 --json get "$FOREMAN_URL/api/hosts" per_page=all search="name ~ dakr" | jq ".total, .per_page, .results|length" 1055 1055 6
fyi http is the tool
Ticket of feature:
Updated by Daniel Kraemer almost 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Headline api feature per_page=all doen't work as expected to Headline api feature per_page=all doesn't work for all ressources
Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden over 3 years ago
- Related to Refactor #29909: Support fetching all records in API added
Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden over 2 years ago
- Related to Bug #35591: Can't use 'search' with fact_value via API added
Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Headline api feature per_page=all doesn't work for all ressources to Headline api feature per_page=all doesn't work for all resources