Bug #31994
openSmart proxy (Pulp2) fails to validate file size for tgz from the manifest generated by Foreman (Pulp3)
Katello version: 3.15.2
Foreman version: 2.0.1
Steps to reproduce the scenario:
1. Create a content view over a repo which contains tgz files
2. Promote the CV to the LE to which your smart proxy is subscribed
3. Sync the Content over your smart proxy
Expected result:
Smart proxy should be synced with success
Actual result
Smart proxy syncs with warnings saying that the tgz files couldn't be downloaded due to size mismatch.
Error message: *Downloading the Pulp Manifest...
Task Failed
[{'name': u'k8s-db-manager/k8s-db-manager-0.0.0.tgz', 'error': 'Downloading <k8s-db-manager/k8s-db-manager-0.0.0.tgz> failed validation. The manifest specified that the file should be 1646 bytes, but the downloaded file is 5120 bytes.'}]*
To be noticed that the tgz size is 1646 bytes indeed but the content of the tgz file is 5120 bytes.
Notice: Using tar.gz compression works as expected.
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