Bug #32422
closedcannot create a repository with an http proxy set with auth credentials
pulpcore 3.11 changed how it handles credentials in an http proxy. It no longer supports them as part of the URL, instead providing new parameters. Without using them, we get:
Task 9b423c1a-8735-4d83-99cf-979031155ea8: PulpRpmClient::ApiError: Error message: the server returns an error HTTP status code: 400 Response headers: {"date"=>"Mon, 26 Apr 2021 16:07:10 GMT", "server"=>"gunicorn/20.0.4", "content-type"=>"application/json", "vary"=>"Accept,Cookie", "allow"=>"GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS", "x-frame-options"=>"SAMEORIGIN", "content-length"=>"56", "correlation-id"=>"9d11f06f-1d43-48a0-9d34-cc3787242c78", "access-control-expose-headers"=>"Correlation-ID", "via"=>"1.1 devel.balmora.example.com", "connection"=>"close"} Response body: {"proxy_url":["proxy_url must not contain credentials"]}
it seems like we do not have a proper vcr test for this either.