Bug #33187
closedForeman Maintain - Bug #33183: pulp3: satellite-maintain content prepare failed when run as nohup job
pulp3: satellite-maintain content prepare failed when run as nohup job
'Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1965218 \n\n*Description of problem:*\n\nnohup ./satellite-maintain-content-prepare.sh > content-prepare.log 2>&1\nfails with error:\n\nFailed executing foreman-rake katello:pulp3_migration, exit status 256\n\ncontent of the script:\n\nsatellite-maintain content prepare\n\n*Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):*\n\n6.9.2\n\n*How reproducible:*\n\n\n*Steps to Reproduce:*\n1. create the script and make it executable\n2. run the nohup command\n3. tail -f logfile\n\n*Actual results:*\n\nFailed executing foreman-rake katello:pulp3_migration, exit status 256\n\n*Expected results:*\n\nno errors as the command does not require input\n\n*Additional info:*'