Bug #33310
Host Detail Graphs VERY slow to load after upgrade to 3.0.0-rc1
Added by Paul Lazarchik over 3 years ago.
Updated about 3 years ago.
After upgrade to 3.0.0-rc1 the graphs on host detail page are very slow to load and have incorrect dates. It appears the sql query is not correct. I ran the report on 8/19/2021, Changing days to 1 the graph shows entries for 5/16, 8/24, 12/1, 3/12, 6/20, 9/20, 1/5, 4/16, 7/25, and 11/2. I have attached screenshots.
- Target version set to 3.0.0
- Target version changed from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1
- Found in Releases 3.0.0 added
I can confirm that on my 3.0.0 GA this is a problem. From production.log:
2021-10-14T13:41:05 [I|app|0482a821] Started GET "/hosts/bunker.example.com/overview" for CLIENT_IP at 2021-10-14 13:41:05 +0200
2021-10-14T13:41:05 [I|app|4eddf982] Started GET "/hosts/bunker.example.com/nics" for CLIENT_IP at 2021-10-14 13:41:05 +0200
2021-10-14T13:41:05 [I|app|29ce63be] Started GET "/hosts/bunker.example.com/resources?range=7" for CLIENT_IP at 2021-10-14 13:41:05 +0200
2021-10-14T13:41:05 [I|app|4416538f] Started GET "/hosts/bunker.example.com/runtime?range=7" for CLIENT_IP at 2021-10-14 13:41:05 +0200
2021-10-14T13:41:05 [I|app|0482a821] Processing by HostsController#overview as HTML
2021-10-14T13:41:05 [I|app|0482a821] Parameters: {"id"=>"bunker.example.com"}
2021-10-14T13:41:06 [I|app|4416538f] Processing by HostsController#runtime as HTML
2021-10-14T13:41:06 [I|app|4416538f] Parameters: {"range"=>"7", "id"=>"bunker.example.com"}
2021-10-14T13:41:05 [I|app|4eddf982] Processing by HostsController#nics as HTML
2021-10-14T13:41:06 [I|app|4eddf982] Parameters: {"id"=>"bunker.example.com"}
2021-10-14T13:41:05 [I|app|29ce63be] Processing by HostsController#resources as HTML
2021-10-14T13:41:06 [I|app|29ce63be] Parameters: {"range"=>"7", "id"=>"bunker.example.com"}
2021-10-14T13:41:06 [I|app|29ce63be] Rendered hosts/_resources.html.erb (Duration: 133.1ms | Allocations: 26433)
2021-10-14T13:41:06 [I|app|29ce63be] Completed 200 OK in 245ms (Views: 106.9ms | ActiveRecord: 110.7ms | Allocations: 51105)
2021-10-14T13:41:06 [I|app|4eddf982] Rendered hosts/_nics.html.erb (Duration: 186.5ms | Allocations: 35396)
2021-10-14T13:41:06 [I|app|4eddf982] Completed 200 OK in 293ms (Views: 151.2ms | ActiveRecord: 107.9ms | Allocations: 55442)
2021-10-14T13:41:07 [I|app|4416538f] Rendered hosts/_runtime.html.erb (Duration: 1841.2ms | Allocations: 302562)
2021-10-14T13:41:07 [I|app|4416538f] Completed 200 OK in 1914ms (Views: 1660.2ms | ActiveRecord: 233.7ms | Allocations: 311110)
2021-10-14T13:41:08 [I|app|0482a821] Rendered hosts/_overview.html.erb (Duration: 1900.2ms | Allocations: 304846)
2021-10-14T13:41:08 [I|app|0482a821] Completed 200 OK in 1994ms (Views: 433.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1543.1ms | Allocations: 319561)
- Category set to Web Interface
- Target version changed from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/9019 added
- Fixed in Releases 3.2.0 added
- Fixed in Releases 3.0.2, 3.1.1 added
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
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