Bug #33826
closedbmc_credentials_accessible hides BMC information in host view
The configuration option bmc_credentials_accessible is described in the manual as follows:
By default passwords stored on BMC network interfaces will be visible to other users who can view the host via the ENC YAML preview and accessible through templates, for the purposes of configuring BMC interfaces automatically. When set to false, all BMC passwords will be redacted in template and ENC output, preventing both users from viewing the passwords directly and also from configuration (or access) in Puppet and other config management tools using the ENC interface. Foreman will continue to use the stored password for BMC power operations. Note that setting this to false also this requires that safemode_render be enabled, else it could be bypassed.
However this is not completely true, as if this setting is enabled, the power status of a host won't either be displayed in the host view. In other words, if the setting is enabled, host.bmc_available? will always return false.
def bmc_available?
ipmi = bmc_nic
return false if ipmi.nil?
(ipmi.password.present? && ipmi.username.present? && %w(IPMI Redfish).include?(ipmi.provider)) || ipmi.provider == 'SSH'
as ipmi.password will be nil due to
def password
Setting[:bmc_credentials_accessible] ? password_unredacted : nil
For us this is not expected behaviour, because whereas we'd like the passwords to be scrubbed from ENC output, we'd like to continue to be able to do power operations using the UI, too. For this Foreman must be able to detect a valid BMC interface on the host in question.
Shouldn't models/host/managed.rb be using password_unredacted instead?
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ autopart"', desc: 'to render the content of host partition table'
def bmc_available?
ipmi = bmc_nic
return false if ipmi.nil?
- (ipmi.password.present? && ipmi.username.present? && %w(IPMI Redfish).include?(ipmi.provider)) || ipmi.provider == 'SSH'
+ (ipmi.password_unredacted.present? && ipmi.username.present? && %w(IPMI Redfish).include?(ipmi.provider)) || ipmi.provider == 'SSH'
alias_method :bmc_available, :bmc_available?
The issue from the console's POV:
irb(main):031:0> Host.find_by_name('host.example.ch').bmc_available?
=> false
irb(main):032:0> Setting[:bmc_credentials_accessible] = true
=> true
irb(main):033:0> Host.find_by_name('host.example.ch').bmc_available?
=> true
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/8893 added
Updated by Nacho Barrientos about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset foreman|eb5d51a9325de745236a5f929f6b5ca51b56d532.