Bug #34210
openBuild validation requires BMC proxy
Under foreman-3.1, it looks like build validation (under review_before_build) is checking if all host' interfaces has proxy or subnet attached to them, if they doesn't validation failed without an error on GUI and without taking into consideration which interface is it failing.
/var/log/foreman/production.log gives the ERROR:
2022-01-03T10:51:43 [I|app|2e958dab] Backtrace for 'ERF88-9474 [Foreman::BMCFeatureException]: There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Associate a BMC feature with a subnet.' error (ActionView::Template::Error): ERF88-9474 [Foreman::BMCFeatureException]: There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Associate a BMC feature with a subnet.
In a scenario of a host with two interfaces attached to it, one as the managed interface and another is BMC - both of them has to have subnet selected before build.
Even though the build does not have anything to do with BMC interface, beside the "Reboot Now" checkbox.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 2 years ago
- Subject changed from wrong build validation to Build validation requires BMC proxy
- Status changed from New to Need more information
Hello, this is a valid check if your host has a BMC NIC. In that case, BMC proxy is required even if BMC is not directly involved in the process of provisioning by default - we assume provisioned server would be started or restarted at some point.
If you feel like this validation should not be performed, sure, send a patch. I think it is better to correct BMC proxy in your configuration tho.