Bug #34390
closedhost collection test failure
Katello::HostCollectionTest#test_search_by_host [/app/plugin/test/models/host_collection_test.rb:19]
Minitest::Assertion: --- expected
++ actual @ -1 +1
@ #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Katello::HostCollection id: 822851436, name: "Five Host Collection", description: "A collection of five hosts", max_hosts: 5, organization_id: 114267492, created[#<Katello::HostCollection id: 992660475, name: "Simple Host Collection", description: "The simplest of host collections.", max_hosts: nil, organization_id: 114267492, created_at: "2022-02
_at: "2022-02-03 19:30:01", updated_at: "2022-02-03 19:30:01", unlimited_hosts: false>, #<Katello::HostCollection id: 992660475, name: "Simple Host Collection", description: "The simplest of
host collections.", max_hosts: nil, organization_id: 114267492, created_at: "2022-02-03 19:30:01", updated_at: "2022-02-03 19:30:01", unlimited_hosts: true>]>
03 19:30:01", updated_at: "2022-02-03 19:30:01", unlimited_hosts: true>, #<Katello::HostCollection id: 822851436, name: "Five Host Collection", description: "A collection of five hosts", max
_hosts: 5, organization_id: 114267492, created_at: "2022-02-03 19:30:01", updated_at: "2022-02-03 19:30:01", unlimited_hosts: false>]