Bug #34567
closed[RFE] Need a way to sync from a specific content view lifecycle environment of the upstream organization
Description of problem:
ISS Connected workflow where a Downstream Server directly pulls/syncs content from another upstream satellite is now available in the nightly. However it has a a
restriction. It will only pull from the Default Content View and Library environment in the upstream satellite.
Some customers want the Downstream satellite to only fetch from a content view environment of the Upstream.
This RFE proposes adding the following changes
1) Add a Content View Label and Environment Label to the cdn configurator
2) Handle RH Repository Enablement appropriately. We can either try to figure out if the repository is available in the content view environment of the Upstream sat OR just enable based on if its available in the library or not. (later may lead to bad user experience but better than status quo.)
3) Set the content urls in the RH Repos to include the CV and LCE.
Updated by Chris Roberts about 3 years ago
- Copied from Bug #34144: [RFE] Need a way to sync from a specific content view lifecycle environment of the upstream organization added
Updated by Chris Roberts almost 3 years ago
- Target version changed from Katello 4.3.1 to Katello 4.3.2