Bug #34743
closedUpdating packages from the Content host's page always tries to use katello-agent even when remote_execution_by_default set to true
Description of problem:
Updating packages from the Content host's page always tries to use katello-agent even when remote_execution_by_default set to true
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Set parameter 'remote_execution_by_default' to true in administer tab
2. Navigate to Hosts -> Content-Hosts -> <Host> -> Packages -> Actions -> Upgrade all Packages`
API calls resulting in the same exception:-
`POST https://satellite.example.com/api/v2/hosts/1/packages/upgrade_all`
Actual results:
The job fails, with the exception:-
Host did not respond within 20 seconds. The task has been canceled. Is katello-agent installed and goferd running on the Host?
Expected results:
As "remote execution by default` to `yes`." in the administer tab, regardless of where I initiate the task it should honor only remote execution.