Bug #34914
closedRemaster script sets wrong linuxefi and initrdefi, flattens partition structure with 4.0 RHEL 8-based FDI
The menuentry lines in the remaster script that handle linuxefi and initrdefi are incorrect for RHEL 8
77> linuxefi /isolinux/vmlinuz0 root=live:LABEL=fdi rootfstype=auto ro rd.live.image acpi=force rd.luks=0 rd.md=0 rd.dm=0 nomodeset nokaslr $2 78> initrdefi /isolinux/initrd0.img 81> linuxefi /isolinux/vmlinuz0 root=live:LABEL=fdi rootfstype=auto ro rd.live.image rd.live.check acpi=force nomodeset nokaslr $2 82> initrdefi /isolinux/initrd0.img
These can be set to appropriate values for RHEL 8 such as below
77> linuxefi /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz root=live:LABEL=fdi rootfstype=auto ro rd.live.image acpi=force rd.luks=0 rd.md=0 rd.dm=0 nomodeset nokaslr $2 78> initrdefi /images/pxeboot/initrd.img 81> linuxefi /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz root=live:LABEL=fdi rootfstype=auto ro rd.live.image rd.live.check acpi=force nomodeset nokaslr $2 82> initrdefi /images/pxeboot/initrd.img
But the remaster script still turns the FDI ISO into a flat image with no partition structure.
Updated by Paul Burke over 2 years ago
- Fixed in Releases Discovery Plugin 15.0 added
Updated by Paul Burke over 2 years ago
- Fixed in Releases deleted (
Discovery Plugin 15.0)
Updated by Paul Burke over 2 years ago
- Found in Releases Discovery Image 4.0.0, Discovery Plugin 16.0 added
Updated by Paul Burke about 2 years ago
Paul Burke wrote:
The menuentry lines in the remaster script that handle linuxefi and initrdefi are incorrect for RHEL 8
These can be set to appropriate values for RHEL 8 such as below
But the remaster script still turns the FDI ISO into a flat image with no partition structure.
Update 2022-06-22:
Created a pull request on Github to address this, tested with 4.0.3-a86d8b3 and successfully tested provisioning on RH Satellite
Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved