Feature #34935
openGCE Ubuntu Images
When navigating to Infrastructure => Compute Resources => A Google type resource => Images => Create Image => Image. There is only some images. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is in the list, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is not. Is there a way to get all the available images to show up in the list? Thanks!
Updated by TJ Guthrie almost 3 years ago
Work Around:
2.4.1: sed "s/:order_by => order_by/:order_by => 'creationTimestamp desc/g" /usr/share/foreman/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/fog-google-1.11.0/lib/fog/compute/google/requests/list_images.rb
3.1.2: sed "s/:order_by => order_by/:order_by => 'creationTimestamp desc'/g" /usr/share/foreman/vendor/ruby/2.7.0/gems/fog-google-1.11.0/lib/fog/compute/google/requests/list_images.rb
systemctl restart foreman
This seems to be related to a google API limit, maxResults, the default and highest value is 500. The ubuntu-os-cloud project has over 500 images, they do not all get returned without another API request with pageToken.