Bug #34960
openOvirt import vm's
CentOS 8 Stream
2 vcpu
16 GB ram.
Foreman 3.02
Katello 4.2
Puppet 6
WHen I try to import an Ovirt virtual machine, as managed or unmanaged, I get this error:
Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong undefined method `host_puppet_environment_field' for #<#<Class:0x000055854a0ff3f0>:0x000055854c142248>
I also get an error trying to import puppet classes. That error is:
ERF12-2749 [ProxyAPI::ProxyException]: Unable to get environments from Puppet ([RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified]: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (self signed certificate in certificate chain)) for proxy https://katello.digitaldatatechs.com:9090/puppet
9090 is listening and I have registered several hosts using the register host script, but import should work as well as class import.
Thank you in advance.
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