Bug #35369
closedIncremental export on repository exports not working correctly after syncably exporting repository
Description of problem
Exporting a repository or library in a syncable format causes a new version to publish before completely exporting the version. This means the next time you do a "non-syncable" incremental export of the same repository, the incremental export happens from the syncable version to the latest which is incorrect. Ideally the syncable and non-syncable exports are not mixed.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 4.5 / 4.6
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create and sync a repository
2. hammer content-export complete repository --id=<repo-id>
3. Now add extra rpms to the source repo and resync
4. hammer content-export complete repository --id=<repo-id> --format=syncable
5. Finally run -> hammer content-export incremental repository --id=<repo-id>
Actual results:
The incremental export has no content. This is because its trying to incrementally export from Step 4 -> 5 instead of Step 1 - 3
Expected results:
It incrementally exports between the repo on step 1 vs the repo in step 3
Additional info: