Feature #35916
openUpdate kickstart_rhsm to allow registration to a satellite instance if katello is not installed.
Previously with the redhat_register template I was able to pass in a subscription_manager_certpkg_url which configured subscription manager to use the satellite instance. It seems this should be configurable with the new commands as well.
It seems we just need to make these configurable to something else if katello is not installed.
subman_hostname = " --server-hostname #{@host.content_source.rhsm_url.host}" if (plugin_present?('katello') && @host.content_source)
subman_rhsm_baseurl = " --rhsm-baseurl #{@host.content_source.pulp_content_url}" if (plugin_present?('katello') && @host.content_source)
A side note is that the above rhsm commands are not documented in RedHat's documentation.
Updated by Doug Forster about 2 years ago
- Copied from Feature #35914: Update kickstart_rhsm to allow registration to a satellite instance if katello is not installed. added
Updated by The Foreman Bot about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to New
- Pull request deleted (