



Bug #36368


Unable to see all ansible roles available when editing a hostgroup and the "entries per page" is bigger than the number of available roles

Added by Nofar Alfassi over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.


Cloned from

Description of problem:

In a system with more than just a few roles imported (more than 10 should be enough), and the option entries per page set to a number bigger than the total of roles present on the system.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

Satellite 6.12

How reproducible:


Steps to Reproduce:
1. Identify the number of roles present on the system (let's say 29, like in my lab)
2. Set the entries per page to 30
hammer settings set --name entries_per_page --value 30
3. Go to a hostgroup -> Ansible roles. You'll see only a few roles (10) and no option to see a next page.

Actual results:

Only first 10 roles are shown when editing a hostgroup -> Ansible roles.

Expected results:

All roles should be available on the webUI and properly paginated.

Additional info:

If the entries per page is smaller than the number of roles, paginating is enabled, but only the first 10 roles are shown initially. When going to the second page and coming back to the first, then the "entries per page" is actually used.

I'm attaching some screenshots to illustrate the problem.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Ansible - Bug #29329: per_page does not work correctly in roles switcher on host edit pageDuplicateNofar AlfassiActions

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