Support #37049
closedUpgrade from Foreman 3.8.0 to 3.9.1 upgrade fails with many requires but none of the providers can be installed errors
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# dnf update -y
Last metadata expiration check: 2:46:37 ago on Fri 12 Jan 2024 08:18:31 AM EST.
foreman-release.rpm 96 kB/s | 14 kB 00:00
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
foreman-release noarch 3.9.0-0.2.rc3.el8 @commandline 14 k
Transaction Summary
Upgrade 1 Package
Total size: 14 k
Downloading Packages:
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Upgrading : foreman-release-3.9.0-0.2.rc3.el8.noarch 1/2
Cleanup : foreman-release-3.8.0-1.el8.noarch 2/2
Verifying : foreman-release-3.9.0-0.2.rc3.el8.noarch 1/2
Verifying : foreman-release-3.8.0-1.el8.noarch 2/2
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# dnf update -y
Foreman 3.9 4.7 MB/s | 1.7 MB 00:00
Foreman plugins 3.9 5.7 MB/s | 1.9 MB 00:00
katello-repos-latest.rpm 153 kB/s | 19 kB 00:00
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
katello-repos noarch 4.11.0-0.3.rc2.el8 @commandline 19 k
Transaction Summary
Upgrade 1 Package
Total size: 19 k
Downloading Packages:
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Upgrading : katello-repos-4.11.0-0.3.rc2.el8.noarch 1/2
Cleanup : katello-repos-4.10.0-1.el8.noarch 2/2
Verifying : katello-repos-4.11.0-0.3.rc2.el8.noarch 1/2
Verifying : katello-repos-4.10.0-1.el8.noarch 2/2
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# dnf repolist
repo id repo name
appstream Rocky Linux 8 - AppStream
baseos Rocky Linux 8 - BaseOS
candlepin Candlepin: an open source entitlement management system.
centos-ansible-29 CentOS Configmanagement SIG - ansible-29
extras Rocky Linux 8 - Extras
foreman Foreman 3.9
foreman-plugins Foreman plugins 3.9
katello Katello 4.11
powertools Rocky Linux 8 - PowerTools
pulpcore pulpcore: Fetch, Upload, Organize, and Distribute Software Packages.
puppet Puppet Repository el 8 - x86_64
zabbix Zabbix Official Repository - x86_64
zabbix-non-supported Zabbix Official Repository non-supported - x86_64
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# dnf module enable -y katello:el8 pulpcore:el8
Katello 4.11 1.1 MB/s | 306 kB 00:00
Candlepin: an open source entitlement management system. 72 kB/s | 16 kB 00:00
pulpcore: Fetch, Upload, Organize, and Distribute Software Packages. 1.0 MB/s | 292 kB 00:00
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# foreman-maintain packages check-update
Running Check for available package updates
Check for available package updates:
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:09 ago on Fri 12 Jan 2024 11:06:03 AM EST.
ansible-runner.noarch 2.2.1-5.el8 foreman-plugins
foreman.noarch 3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-cli.noarch 3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-debug.noarch 3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-dynflow-sidekiq.noarch 3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-installer.noarch 1:3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-installer-katello.noarch 1:3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-obsolete-packages.noarch 1.6-1.el8 foreman
foreman-postgresql.noarch 3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-proxy.noarch 3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-release.noarch 3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-selinux.noarch 3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
foreman-service.noarch 3.9.1-1.el8 foreman
katello.noarch 4.11.0-1.el8 katello
katello-common.noarch 4.11.0-1.el8 katello
katello-debug.noarch 4.11.0-1.el8 katello
katello-repos.noarch 4.11.0-1.el8 katello
puppet-foreman_scap_client.noarch 1.0.0-2.el8 foreman-plugins
puppetlabs-stdlib.noarch 9.4.1-1.el8 foreman-plugins
python3.11-cffi.x86_64 1.15.1-4.el8 pulpcore
python3.11-charset-normalizer.noarch 2.1.1-4.el8 pulpcore
python3.11-cryptography.x86_64 38.0.4-4.el8 pulpcore
python3.11-pycparser.noarch 2.21-5.el8 pulpcore
python3.11-requests.noarch 2.31.0-4.el8 pulpcore
python3.11-six.noarch 1.16.0-5.el8 pulpcore
python3.11-urllib3.noarch 1.26.18-2.el8 pulpcore
rubygem-activerecord-import.noarch 1.5.0-1.el8 katello
rubygem-apipie-dsl.noarch 2.6.1-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-apipie-rails.noarch 1.2.3-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-audited.noarch 5.4.2-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-css_parser.noarch 1.16.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-domain_name.noarch 0.6.20231109-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-dynflow.noarch 1.8.2-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-excon.noarch 0.104.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-facter.noarch 4.5.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-ffi.x86_64 1.16.3-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-foreman-tasks.noarch 9.0.0-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-foreman_ansible.noarch 13.0.2-1.fm3_10.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-foreman_maintain.noarch 1:1.4.3-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-foreman_openscap.noarch 7.1.1-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-foreman_puppet.noarch 6.1.1-1.fm3_10.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-foreman_remote_execution.noarch 12.0.2-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-friendly_id.noarch 5.5.1-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-globalid.noarch 1.2.1-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-graphql.noarch 1.13.20-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-hammer_cli.noarch 3.9.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman.noarch 3.9.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_puppet.noarch 0.0.7-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_remote_execution.noarch 0.3.0-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_tasks.noarch 0.0.20-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-hammer_cli_katello.noarch 1.11.1-1.el8 katello
rubygem-kafo.noarch 7.3.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-katello.noarch 4.11.0-1.el8 katello
rubygem-loofah.noarch 2.22.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-mime-types.noarch 3.5.1-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-mime-types-data.noarch 3.2023.1003-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-parse-cron.noarch 0.1.4-5.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-pg.x86_64 1.5.4-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-pulp_ansible_client.noarch 0.20.2-1.el8 katello
rubygem-pulp_container_client.noarch 2.16.2-1.el8 katello
rubygem-pulp_file_client.noarch 1.15.1-1.el8 katello
rubygem-pulp_ostree_client.noarch 2.1.3-1.el8 katello
rubygem-pulp_rpm_client.noarch 3.23.0-1.el8 katello
rubygem-pulpcore_client.noarch 1:3.39.2-1.el8 katello
rubygem-puma.x86_64 6.4.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-responders.noarch 3.1.1-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-roadie-rails.noarch 3.1.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-scoped_search.noarch 4.1.12-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-sequel.noarch 5.74.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-sidekiq.noarch 6.5.12-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-smart_proxy_ansible.noarch 3.5.5-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-smart_proxy_dynflow.noarch 0.9.1-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-smart_proxy_openscap.noarch 0.9.2-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-smart_proxy_pulp.noarch 3.2.0-3.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-smart_proxy_remote_execution_ssh.noarch 0.10.3-1.fm3_9.el8 foreman-plugins
rubygem-sprockets.noarch 4.2.1-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-tilt.noarch 2.3.0-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-zeitwerk.noarch 2.6.12-1.el8 foreman
Obsoleting Packages
ansible-runner.noarch 2.2.1-5.el8 foreman-plugins
python39-ansible-runner.noarch 2.2.1-3.el8 @foreman-plugins
foreman-obsolete-packages.noarch 1.6-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-unf.noarch 0.1.4-1.el8 @foreman
foreman-obsolete-packages.noarch 1.6-1.el8 foreman
rubygem-unf_ext.x86_64 @foreman
python3.11-ansible-builder.noarch 1.0.1-6.el8 pulpcore
python39-ansible-builder.noarch 1.0.1-4.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-bandersnatch.noarch 6.1.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-bandersnatch.noarch 6.1.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-bindep.noarch 2.11.0-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-bindep.noarch 2.11.0-2.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-createrepo_c.x86_64 1.0.2-5.el8 pulpcore
python39-createrepo_c.x86_64 1.0.2-2.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-daemon.noarch 2.3.1-3.el8 foreman-plugins
python39-daemon.noarch 2.3.1-1.el8 @foreman-plugins
python3.11-distro.noarch 1.7.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-distro.noarch 1.7.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-django.noarch 4.2.2-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-django.noarch 4.2.2-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-django-filter.noarch 23.2-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-django-filter.noarch 23.2-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-django-guardian.noarch 2.4.0-7.el8 pulpcore
python39-django-guardian.noarch 2.4.0-5.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-django-guid.noarch 3.3.0-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-django-guid.noarch 3.3.0-2.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-django-import-export.noarch 3.1.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-django-import-export.noarch 3.1.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-django-lifecycle.noarch 1.0.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-django-lifecycle.noarch 1.0.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-django-prometheus.noarch 2.1.0-5.el8 pulpcore
python39-django-prometheus.noarch 2.1.0-3.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-django-readonly-field.noarch 1.1.2-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-django-readonly-field.noarch 1.1.2-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-djangorestframework.noarch 3.14.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-djangorestframework.noarch 3.14.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-djangorestframework-queryfields.noarch 1.0.0-7.el8 pulpcore
python39-djangorestframework-queryfields.noarch 1.0.0-5.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-docutils.noarch 0.20.1-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-docutils.noarch 0.20.1-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-drf-access-policy.noarch 1.3.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python3-drf-access-policy.noarch 0.9.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-drf-access-policy.noarch 1.3.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-drf-access-policy.noarch 1.3.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-drf-nested-routers.noarch 0.93.4-5.el8 pulpcore
python39-drf-nested-routers.noarch 0.93.4-3.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-drf-spectacular.noarch 0.26.5-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-drf-spectacular.noarch 0.26.2-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-dynaconf.noarch 3.1.12-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-dynaconf.noarch 3.1.12-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-enrich.noarch 1.2.6-7.el8 pulpcore
python39-enrich.noarch 1.2.6-5.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-flake8.noarch 5.0.0-2.el8 pulpcore
python39-flake8.noarch 3.9.2-5.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-galaxy-importer.noarch 0.4.7-1.el8 pulpcore
python39-galaxy-importer.noarch 0.4.6-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-gunicorn.noarch 20.1.0-7.el8 pulpcore
python39-gunicorn.noarch 20.1.0-5.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-humanfriendly.noarch 10.0-6.el8 pulpcore
python39-humanfriendly.noarch 10.0-4.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-jmespath.noarch 0.10.0-5.el8 pulpcore
python39-jmespath.noarch 0.10.0-3.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-jsonschema.noarch 4.10.3-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-jsonschema.noarch 4.10.3-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-libcomps.x86_64 0.1.18-8.el8 pulpcore
python39-libcomps.x86_64 0.1.18-4.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-markdown.noarch 3.4.1-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-markdown.noarch 3.4.1-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_api.noarch 1.19.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_api.noarch 1.19.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_distro.noarch 0.40b0-7.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_distro.noarch 0.40b0-5.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_distro_otlp.noarch 0.40b0-7.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_distro_otlp.noarch 0.40b0-5.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_exporter_otlp.noarch 1.19.0-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_exporter_otlp.noarch 1.19.0-2.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_exporter_otlp_proto_common.noarch 1.19.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_exporter_otlp_proto_common.noarch 1.19.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_exporter_otlp_proto_grpc.noarch 1.19.0-5.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_exporter_otlp_proto_grpc.noarch 1.19.0-3.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_exporter_otlp_proto_http.noarch 1.19.0-5.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_exporter_otlp_proto_http.noarch 1.19.0-3.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_instrumentation.noarch 0.40b0-5.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_instrumentation.noarch 0.40b0-3.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_instrumentation_django.noarch 0.40b0-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_instrumentation_django.noarch 0.40b0-2.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_instrumentation_wsgi.noarch 0.40b0-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_instrumentation_wsgi.noarch 0.40b0-2.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_proto.noarch 1.19.0-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_proto.noarch 1.19.0-2.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_sdk.noarch 1.19.0-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_sdk.noarch 1.19.0-2.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_semantic_conventions.noarch 0.40b0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_semantic_conventions.noarch 0.40b0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-opentelemetry_util_http.noarch 0.40b0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-opentelemetry_util_http.noarch 0.40b0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pbr.noarch 5.8.0-6.el8 pulpcore
python39-pbr.noarch 5.8.0-4.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pkginfo.noarch 1.9.6-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-pkginfo.noarch 1.9.6-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-ansible.noarch 1:0.20.2-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-ansible.noarch 1:0.18.1-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-certguard.noarch 1.7.1-2.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-certguard.noarch 1.6.5-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-cli.noarch 0.21.2-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-cli.noarch 0.21.2-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-container.noarch 2.16.2-2.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-container.noarch 2.15.2-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-container.noarch 2.16.3-1.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-container.noarch 2.15.2-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-deb.noarch 3.0.1-1.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-deb.noarch 3.0.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-file.noarch 1.15.1-2.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-file.noarch 1.14.3-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-glue.noarch 0.21.2-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-glue.noarch 0.21.2-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-python.noarch 3.10.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-python.noarch 3.10.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulp-rpm.noarch 3.23.0-2.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulp-rpm.noarch 3.22.6-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulpcore.noarch 3.39.3-1.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulpcore.noarch 3.28.19-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pulpcore.noarch 3.39.4-1.el8 pulpcore
python39-pulpcore.noarch 3.28.19-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pycodestyle.noarch 2.9.1-2.el8 pulpcore
python39-pycodestyle.noarch 2.7.0-5.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pyflakes.noarch 2.5.0-2.el8 pulpcore
python39-pyflakes.noarch 2.3.1-5.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pygments.x86_64 2.14.0-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-pygments.x86_64 2.14.0-1.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pygobject.x86_64 1:3.40.1-6.el8 pulpcore
python39-pygobject.x86_64 1:3.40.1-4.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pyjwkest.noarch 1.4.2-8.el8 pulpcore
python39-pyjwkest.noarch 1.4.2-6.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-pyjwt.noarch 2.5.0-4.el8 pulpcore
python39-pyjwt.noarch 2.5.0-2.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-rich.noarch 13.3.1-7.el8 pulpcore
python39-rich.noarch 13.3.1-3.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-rq.noarch 1.9.0-6.el8 pulpcore
python39-rq.noarch 1.9.0-4.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-solv.x86_64 0.7.22-6.el8 pulpcore
python39-solv.x86_64 0.7.22-4.el8 @pulpcore
python3.11-sqlparse.noarch 0.4.4-3.el8 pulpcore
python39-sqlparse.noarch 0.4.4-1.el8 @pulpcore
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# foreman-maintain service stop
Running Stop Services
Check if command is run as root user: [OK]
Stop applicable services:
Stopping the following service(s):
redis, postgresql, pulpcore-api, pulpcore-content, pulpcore-api.socket, pulpcore-content.socket, pulpcore-worker@1.service, pulpcore-worker@2.service, tomcat, dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator, foreman, httpd, puppetserver, foreman.socket, dynflow-sidekiq@worker-1, dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue-1, foreman-proxy
/ All services stopped [OK]
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# yum clean all
103 files removed
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# yum -y update
CentOS Configmanagement SIG - ansible-29 1.7 MB/s | 2.1 MB 00:01
Rocky Linux 8 - AppStream 6.2 MB/s | 10 MB 00:01
Rocky Linux 8 - BaseOS 5.2 MB/s | 5.0 MB 00:00
Rocky Linux 8 - Extras 13 kB/s | 14 kB 00:01
Rocky Linux 8 - PowerTools 2.4 MB/s | 2.6 MB 00:01
Foreman 3.9 3.0 MB/s | 1.7 MB 00:00
Foreman plugins 3.9 3.3 MB/s | 1.9 MB 00:00
Katello 4.11 570 kB/s | 306 kB 00:00
Candlepin: an open source entitlement management system. 39 kB/s | 16 kB 00:00
pulpcore: Fetch, Upload, Organize, and Distribute Software Packages. 627 kB/s | 292 kB 00:00
Puppet Repository el 8 - x86_64 13 MB/s | 19 MB 00:01
Zabbix Official Repository - x86_64 156 kB/s | 160 kB 00:01
Zabbix Official Repository non-supported - x86_64 2.0 kB/s | 1.4 kB 00:00
Problem 1: package python3.11-solv-0.7.22-6.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore requires libsolv(x86-64) = 0.7.22-6.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-solv-0.7.22-4.el8.x86_64
- package libsolv-0.7.22-6.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore is filtered out by modular filtering
Problem 2: package python3.11-libcomps-0.1.18-8.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore requires libcomps(x86-64) = 0.1.18-8.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-libcomps-0.1.18-4.el8.x86_64
- package libcomps-0.1.18-8.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore is filtered out by modular filtering
Problem 3: package python3.11-createrepo_c-1.0.2-5.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore requires createrepo_c-libs = 1.0.2-5.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-createrepo_c-1.0.2-2.el8.x86_64
- package createrepo_c-libs-1.0.2-5.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore is filtered out by modular filtering
Problem 4: package python3.11-enrich-1.2.6-7.el8.noarch from pulpcore obsoletes python39-enrich < 1.2.6-7.el8 provided by python39-enrich-1.2.6-5.el8.noarch from @System
- package ansible-lint-5.0.8-4.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-enrich >= 1.2.6, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-enrich-1.2.6-5.el8.noarch
- problem with installed package ansible-lint-5.0.8-4.el8.noarch
Problem 5: package python3.11-pulp-rpm-3.23.0-2.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires python3.11-createrepo_c >= 1.0.1, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-createrepo_c-1.0.2-5.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore requires createrepo_c-libs = 1.0.2-5.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-pulp-rpm-3.22.6-1.el8.noarch
- package createrepo_c-libs-1.0.2-5.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore is filtered out by modular filtering
Problem 6: package ansible-lint-5.0.8-4.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-rich >= 9.5.1, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-rich-13.3.1-7.el8.noarch from pulpcore obsoletes python39-rich < 13.3.1-7.el8 provided by python39-rich-13.3.1-3.el8.noarch from @System
- package python3.11-galaxy-importer-0.4.7-1.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires ansible-lint >= 5.0.8, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-galaxy-importer-0.4.7-1.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires ansible-lint < 6.14.4, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-rich-13.3.1-3.el8.noarch
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-galaxy-importer-0.4.6-1.el8.noarch
- package ansible-lint-5.4.0-1.el8.noarch from pulpcore is filtered out by modular filtering
Problem 7: problem with installed package python39-pulp-rpm-3.22.6-1.el8.noarch
- package python39-pulp-rpm-3.22.6-1.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-django-readonly-field >= 1.1.1, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-pulp-rpm-3.23.0-2.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires python3.11-solv >= 0.7.21, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-django-readonly-field-1.1.2-3.el8.noarch from pulpcore obsoletes python39-django-readonly-field < 1.1.2-3.el8 provided by python39-django-readonly-field-1.1.2-1.el8.noarch from @System
- package python3.11-solv-0.7.22-6.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore requires libsolv(x86-64) = 0.7.22-6.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-django-readonly-field-1.1.2-1.el8.noarch
- package libsolv-0.7.22-6.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore is filtered out by modular filtering
Problem 8: package ansible-lint-5.0.8-4.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-rich >= 9.5.1, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python39-rich-13.3.1-3.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-pygments >= 2.6.0, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python39-rich-13.3.1-3.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-pygments < 3.0.0, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-galaxy-importer-0.4.7-1.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires ansible-lint >= 5.0.8, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-galaxy-importer-0.4.7-1.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires ansible-lint < 6.14.4, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-pygments-2.14.0-3.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore obsoletes python39-pygments < 2.14.0-3.el8 provided by python39-pygments-2.14.0-1.el8.x86_64 from @System
- package python3.11-pulp-ansible-1:0.20.2-3.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires python3.11-galaxy-importer >= 0.4.5, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-pygments-2.14.0-1.el8.x86_64
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-pulp-ansible-1:0.18.1-1.el8.noarch
- package ansible-lint-5.4.0-1.el8.noarch from pulpcore is filtered out by modular filtering
Problem 9: package ansible-lint-5.0.8-4.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-rich >= 9.5.1, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-galaxy-importer-0.4.7-1.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires ansible-lint >= 5.0.8, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-galaxy-importer-0.4.7-1.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires ansible-lint < 6.14.4, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python39-rich-13.3.1-3.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-pygments >= 2.6.0, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python39-rich-13.3.1-3.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-pygments < 3.0.0, but none of the providers can be installed
- problem with installed package python39-galaxy-importer-0.4.6-1.el8.noarch
- package python3.11-pygments-2.14.0-3.el8.x86_64 from pulpcore obsoletes python39-pygments < 2.14.0-3.el8 provided by python39-pygments-2.14.0-1.el8.x86_64 from @System
- package python39-galaxy-importer-0.4.6-1.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-ansible-builder >= 1.0.1, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python39-galaxy-importer-0.4.6-1.el8.noarch from @System requires python39-ansible-builder < 2.0, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-pulp-cli-0.21.2-4.el8.noarch from pulpcore requires python3.11-pygments, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3.11-ansible-builder-1.0.1-6.el8.noarch from pulpcore obsoletes python39-ansible-builder < 1.0.1-6.el8 provided by python39-ansible-builder-1.0.1-4.el8.noarch from @System
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-pulp-cli-0.21.2-1.el8.noarch
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python39-ansible-builder-1.0.1-4.el8.noarch
- package ansible-lint-5.4.0-1.el8.noarch from pulpcore is filtered out by modular filtering
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
Restoring from snapshot backup, back to Rocky 8 EL8:
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# rpm -qa kernel --last
kernel-4.18.0-513.11.1.el8_9.x86_64 Thu 11 Jan 2024 10:42:22 AM EST
kernel-4.18.0-513.9.1.el8_9.x86_64 Thu 30 Nov 2023 02:35:31 PM EST
kernel-4.18.0-513.5.1.el8_9.x86_64 Wed 22 Nov 2023 05:21:23 PM EST
root@prlforeman01 foreman]# lsb_release -d
Description: Rocky Linux release 8.9 (Green Obsidian)
After recovering from snapshot back to 3.8.0 stable:
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# foreman-maintain service status --brief
Running Status Services
Get status of applicable services:
Displaying the following service(s):
redis, postgresql, pulpcore-api, pulpcore-content, pulpcore-worker@1.service, pulpcore-worker@2.service, tomcat, dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator, foreman, httpd, puppetserver, dynflow-sidekiq@worker-1, dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue-1, foreman-proxy
- displaying redis [OK]
\ displaying postgresql [OK]
\ displaying pulpcore-api [OK]
\ displaying pulpcore-content [OK]
\ displaying pulpcore-worker@1.service [OK]
\ displaying pulpcore-worker@2.service [OK]
\ displaying tomcat [OK]
\ displaying dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator [OK]
\ displaying foreman [OK]
\ displaying httpd [OK]
\ displaying puppetserver [OK]
| displaying dynflow-sidekiq@worker-1 [OK]
| displaying dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue-1 [OK]
| displaying foreman-proxy [OK]
| All services are running [OK]
[root@prlforeman01 foreman]# hammer status
Version: 3.8.0
API Version: v2
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 0ms
1) Name: foreman-tasks
Version: 8.3.3
2) Name: foreman_ansible
Version: 12.0.7
3) Name: foreman_openscap
Version: 7.0.0
4) Name: foreman_puppet
Version: 6.0.1
5) Name: foreman_remote_execution
Version: 11.1.1
6) Name: katello
Version: 4.10.0
Smart Proxies:
1) Name:
Version: 3.8.0
Status: ok
1) Name: pulpcore
Version: 3.2.0
2) Name: openscap
Version: 0.9.2
3) Name: dynflow
Version: 0.9.0
4) Name: script
Version: 0.10.3
5) Name: ansible
Version: 3.5.5
6) Name: puppetca
Version: 3.8.0
7) Name: puppet
Version: 3.8.0
8) Name: logs
Version: 3.8.0
Compute Resources:
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 35ms
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 46ms
Status: ok
message: 0 Processed, 0 Failed
Server Response: Duration: 0ms
Status: ok
message: 0 Processed, 0 Failed
Server Response: Duration: 0ms
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 602ms
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 608ms
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 5ms
Updated by Matt Norwood about 1 year ago
- Assignee set to Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
- Priority changed from High to Normal
Updated by Matt Norwood about 1 year ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Support
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden to Matt Norwood
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
Missed the all important step 10. That was killing the upgrade process.