Bug #37132
closedAlphabetical sorting in test broken
I have been running this test https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/blob/develop/test/integration/operatingsystem_js_test.rb#L9 on forklift and on a docker container with foreman 3.9.1
The tests adds an operating system and expects that it is added as first entry in the list/table since alphanumerical sort is expected.
This works fine when I run it on forklift. But for the docker case I
get a different sorting:
Huawei_VRP 5.17 0 Edit
NoHosts 1.1 0 Edit
OpenSuse 12.3 0 Edit
RHEL 6.1 0 Edit
Solaris 5.10 (hw0910) 0 Edit
Ubuntu 10.10 0 Edit
Ubuntu 12.10 0 Edit
aaa 50 0 Edit
centos 5.3 0 Edit
When I change aaa to AAA the test run on docker and the one on forklift both succeeds :D
But the sorting in forklift is weird (capital, lowercase, capital ):
AAA 1 0 Edit
centos 5.3 0 Edit
Huawei_VRP 5.17 0 Edit
NoHosts 1.1 0 Edit
OpenSuse 12.3 0 Edit
RHEL 6.1 0 Edit
Solaris 5.10 (hw0910) 0 Edit
Ubuntu 10.10 0 Edit
Ubuntu 12.10 0 Edit
Proposal for fix: Do not rely on sorting in test but find element by name.
Updated by The Foreman Bot 12 months ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/10032 added
Updated by dosas please_edit_me 11 months ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset foreman|e402ea51d0a3059e41f6d3a23b77a1286d6fba43.
Updated by The Foreman Bot 10 months ago
- Assignee set to Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/10103 added
Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden 7 months ago
- Category set to Tests
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
- Fixed in Releases deleted (