Bug #37137
closedPostgresql logs contain PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "katello_available_module_streams_name_stream_context"
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2223567
Description of problem:
This seems to be regression of BZ 2139545.
During registration violation of unique constraint is hit as below
PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "katello_available_module_streams_name_stream_context"
It seems like previous bugzilla just removed the log from /var/log/foreman/production, but postgresql still reflects same issue as below:
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "katello_available_module_streams_name_stream_context"
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST DETAIL: Key (name, stream, context)=(python36, 3.6, 683b2e54) already exists.
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "katello_available_module_streams" ("name", "stream", "context") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id"
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "katello_available_module_streams_name_stream_context"
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST DETAIL: Key (name, stream, context)=(ruby, 2.5, ad008a3a) already exists.
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "katello_available_module_streams" ("name", "stream", "context") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id"
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. re-register RHEL8 host
Actual results:
2023-07-18T13:31:36 [I|app|9ba09d93] Processing by Katello::Api::Rhsm::CandlepinDynflowProxyController#upload_profiles as JSON
2023-07-18T13:31:36 [I|app|9ba09d93] Parameters: {"id"=>"1b137c1f-62d0-440b-acb7-9a55c342dd45"}
2023-07-18T13:31:36 [I|app|9ba09d93] Completed 200 OK in 167ms (Views: 6.1ms | ActiveRecord: 56.7ms | Allocations: 52327)
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "katello_available_module_streams_name_stream_context"
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST DETAIL: Key (name, stream, context)=(python36, 3.6, 683b2e54) already exists.
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "katello_available_module_streams" ("name", "stream", "context") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id"
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "katello_available_module_streams_name_stream_context"
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST DETAIL: Key (name, stream, context)=(ruby, 2.5, ad008a3a) already exists.
2023-07-18 13:31:36 CEST STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "katello_available_module_streams" ("name", "stream", "context") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id"
Expected results:
No index violation.
Updated by The Foreman Bot about 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Assignee set to Jeremy Lenz
- Pull request https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10878 added
Updated by Chris Roberts about 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Postgresql logs contain PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "katello_available_module_streams_name_stream_context" to Postgresql logs contain PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "katello_available_module_streams_name_stream_context"
- Target version set to Katello 4.12.0
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Updated by The Foreman Bot about 1 year ago
- Fixed in Releases Katello 4.13.0 added
Updated by Jeremy Lenz about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset katello|7458f70130799eeea60a47575001672509bbbec3.
Updated by The Foreman Bot about 1 year ago
- Pull request https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10896 added
Updated by The Foreman Bot 12 months ago
- Pull request https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10918 added
Updated by The Foreman Bot 12 months ago
- Pull request deleted (
https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10878, https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10918)