Feature #37502
openShow the purpose of the product gpg key
The web ui has no explanation for the gpg key field.
I assume that the product gpg key is merely a convenience field, that the repositories without gpg keys will default to use.
If correct, I propose showing that in the repository new/edit form, by displaying `use product default` instead of blank.
Also, it should be explained in the product form.
Updated by Ian Ballou 8 months ago
- Category set to Repositories
- Target version set to Katello 4.15.0
- Difficulty set to medium
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Thanks for the suggestion, I think this is a valid RFE. The information could show up in a tooltip.
Updated by Chris Roberts 2 months ago
- Target version changed from Katello 4.15.0 to Katello 4.16.0