Bug #37682
openUnable to generate the Host registration command
If you have selected on the page top a "Org Example" and a "Loc Munich" and in the HostRegistartion Formular you select the "Org Example" and the "Loc - not specified" and then you select a Smart Proxy in the list which is NOT part of the "Loc Munich", then it will still show an error that the Host Registartion Command can not be generated.
a) The tell the customer to have a look at the logs doesn't help and should never happen because some customer users don't have access to the log
b) The Smart Proxy issue should not happen. It should only list Smart Proxies which are usable with the Organization/Location combination.
See https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/10240#issuecomment-2245363949 for more details of the issue.
Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden 8 months ago
- Related to Bug #37640: Curl command cannot be rendered during host registration due to Loc/Org mismatch added
Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden 8 months ago
In #37640 the list of orgs/locs was limited because it could generate an invalid combination, but if you refresh the list of proxies when the org/loc changes then I think you can list all orgs and locations again. It should at least be considered.