Bug #37712
openVLAN detection on non bonding interfaces wrong
we have detected small missconfigurations on provisioning EL9 distributions.
After provisioning EL9 (in our case RedHat 9.4), the network setup is wrong. We are using vlans and add on the host one interface (unmanaged) with its name (f. e. eno6) and add an additional interface with the vlan tag (eno6.10 - managed, virtual interface). The root cause is the interface name / identifier name detection in 'kickstart_networking_setup.rb' snippet.
The preview looks like this:
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$sanitized_real BOOTPROTO="none" IPADDR="" NETMASK="" GATEWAY="" DOMAIN="linux.infra" DEVICE=$real ONBOOT=yes PEERDNS=yes PEERROUTES=yes DEFROUTE=yes DNS1="" VLAN=yes MTU=1500 EOF-b6b17c26
The problem is, that $real is "eno6.10.10" instead of "eno6.10". This happens in kickstart_ifcfg_get_identifier_names
<%= "real=`grep -l #{@interface.inheriting_mac} /sys/class/net/*/{bonding_slave/perm_hwaddr,address} 2>/dev/null | awk -F '/' '// {print $5}' | head -1`" -%>
If I run this manually on the server, this is the output:
So if I changed the line to not only query bonding interfaces, the lookup works. I think, thats not a perfect solution, but it I tried ;)
Updated by The Foreman Bot 7 months ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/10264 added