Bug #37792
closedundefined methods `bootdisk_raise' and 'bootdisk_chain_url'
- Foreman 3.11.2
- Configured OS etc, it works to provision BIOS/PXE hosts with TFTP
- Tried to create a UEFI/PXE host, the following error is issued:
Failure parsing Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host: undefined method `bootdisk_raise' for #<Foreman::Renderer::Scope::Provisioning:0x00007fc8928a9910 @source=#<Foreman::Renderer::Source::Database:0x00007fc8928a9af0 @template=#<ProvisioningTemplate id: 31, name: "Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host", template: "<%#\nname: Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host\nsnipp...", snippet: false, template_kind_id: 1, created_at: "2024-07-16 09:08:47.747942000 +0200", updated_at: "2024-07-16 09:08:47.747942000 +0200", locked: true, default: true, vendor: "Foreman", type: "ProvisioningTemplate", os_family: nil, description: "Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host">, @name="Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host", @content="<%#\nname: Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host\nsnippet: false\nmodel: ProvisioningTemplate\nkind: Bootdisk\ndescription: |\n Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host\nrequire:\n- plugin: foreman_bootdisk\n version: 20.0.0\n-%>\n#\n# Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host\n#\n#set debug=\"http,efinet,net\"\n#set debug=all\necho \"Foreman Bootdisk: 'Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host' template\"\necho\necho \"********************************************************\"\necho \" REQUIREMENTS:\"\necho \" * SUBNET GENERIC IMAGE ONLY (host image not supported)\"\necho \" * HOST PARAM default_grub_install_entry set to efi_http\"\necho \" * PROXY WITH HTTPBOOT FEATURE\"\necho \" * HTTP UEFI BOOT ONLY (Legacy/PXE not supported)\"\necho \" * IPv4 ONLY (IPv6 not tested, change the template)\"\necho \" * HTTP ONLY (change the template for HTTPS)\"\necho \" * ISC DHCP (other servers not tested)\"\necho \" * GRUB FROM RHEL 8.3+/7.9+ (when generating the image)\"\necho \" * EFI HTTP or HTTPS grub entry must be selected in menu\"\necho \" * DNS must resolve proxy hostname via DNS proxy if set\"\necho \"*******************************************************\"\nsleep 5\n<%\n# possible values are: \"http\" or \"https\"\nproxy_proto = \"http\"\n\n@subnet || bootdisk_raise(\"Generic disk not supported for EFI, use subnet disk\")\n@subnet.template? || bootdisk_raise(\"Requires a proxy with template feature\")\nproxy_port = if proxy_proto == \"http\"\n @subnet.httpboot.httpboot_http_port\nelse\n @subnet.httpboot.httpboot_https_port\nend\n# Workaround for \"no DNS server configured\"\nproxy_httpboot_host = dns_lookup(@subnet.httpboot.hostname)\nproxy_template_host = dns_lookup(@subnet.template.hostname)\n-%>\necho\nnet_ls_cards\necho \"Configuring ALL cards via BOOTP/IPv4\"\nnet_bootp\n# uncomment here for IPv6 support (not tested)\n#echo \"Configuring ALL cards via BOOTP/IPv6\"\n#net_ipv6_autoconf\nnet_ls_addr\nnet_ls_routes\nnet_ls_dns\necho Trying to ping proxy_httpboot_host: <%= proxy_httpboot_host %>\nping --count 1 <%= proxy_httpboot_host %> || echo Ping to proxy_httpboot_host failed or ping command not available.\necho Trying to ping proxy_template_host: <%= proxy_template_host %>\nping --count 1 <%= proxy_template_host %> || echo Ping to proxy_template_host failed or ping command not available.\nsleep 5\nset root=(<%= proxy_proto %>,<%= proxy_httpboot_host %>:<%= proxy_port %>)\n# The variable will not survive configfile fetch, therefore absolute path\n# must be used in the chainloaded template.\n#\nset http_path=/httpboot/\nset default=efi_<%= proxy_proto %>\n<% (0..32).each do |i| -%>\n echo \"Trying efinet<%= i %> via <%= proxy_proto %>://<%= proxy_template_host %>:<%= proxy_port %>/unattended/PXEGrub2?mac=$net_efinet<%= i %>_dhcp_mac\"\n set net_default_mac=$net_efinet<%= i %>_dhcp_mac\n sleep 5\n configfile (<%= proxy_proto %>,<%= proxy_template_host %>:<%= proxy_port %>)/unattended/PXEGrub2?mac=$net_efinet<%= i %>_dhcp_mac\n<% end -%>\n\necho \"Could not find a host with PXEGrub2 template and one of the MAC addresses!\"\necho \"The system will poweroff in few minutes...\"\nsleep 500\npoweroff\n">, @host=#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-08-30 10:16:47.621208000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "PXELinux UEFI", initiated_at: "2024-08-30 10:13:00.863692000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, @params={}, @variables_keys=[], @mode="real", @template_name="Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host", @loaded=["load_variables_base"], @medium_provider=#<MediumProviders::Default:0x00007fc8928a9438 @entity=#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-08-30 10:16:47.621208000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "PXELinux UEFI", initiated_at: "2024-08-30 10:13:00.863692000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, @errors=[], @unique_id="almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21">, @dynamic=false, @arch="x86_64", @osver=9, @mediapath="url --url", @kernel="boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-vmlinuz", @initrd="boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-initrd.img", @kernel_uri="", @initrd_uri="", @additional_media=[], @provisioning_type="host", @static=false, @template_url=nil, @template_input_values={}, @renderer=Foreman::Renderer::SafeModeRenderer, @allowed_helpers=[:foreman_url, :snippet, :snippets, :snippet_if_exists, :indent, :foreman_server_fqdn, :foreman_server_url, :foreman_request_addr, :log_debug, :log_info, :log_warn, :log_error, :log_fatal, :template_name, :dns_lookup, :pxe_kernel_options, :save_to_file, :subnet_param, :subnet_has_param?, :global_setting, :default_template_url, :plugin_present?, :medium_provider, :medium_uri, :user_auth_source_name, :all_host_statuses, :all_host_statuses_hash, :all_host_statuses_labels_hash, :host_status, :preview?, :raise, :input, :input_resource, :rand, :rand_hex, :rand_name, :mac_name, :host_kernel_release, :host_uptime_seconds, :host_memory, :host_sockets, :host_cores, :host_virtual, :number_to_currency, :number_to_human, :number_to_percentage, :number_with_delimiter, :number_with_precision, :number_to_human_size, :gem_version_compare, :sequence_hostgroup_param_next, :transpile_coreos_linux_config, :transpile_fedora_coreos_config, :parse_yaml, :parse_json, :to_json, :to_yaml, :foreman_server_ca_cert, :format_time, :shell_escape, :join_with_line_break, :current_date, :current_time, :truthy?, :falsy?, :previous_revision, :foreman_short_version, :product_short_version, :bootdisk_chain_url, :bootdisk_raise, :host_puppet_classes, :grub_pass, :ks_console, :root_pass, :media_path, :match, :host_param_true?, :host_param_false?, :host_param, :host_param!, :host_puppet_server, :host_puppet_ca_server, :host_puppet_environment, :host_enc, :install_packages, :update_packages, :load_organizations, :load_locations, :load_hosts, :load_operating_systems, :load_subnets, :load_smart_proxies, :load_user_groups, :load_host_groups, :load_domains, :load_realms, :load_users], @allowed_variables={:additional_media=>[], :arch=>"x86_64", :dynamic=>false, :host=>#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-08-30 10:16:47.621208000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "PXELinux UEFI", initiated_at: "2024-08-30 10:13:00.863692000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, :initrd=>"boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-initrd.img", :kernel=>"boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-vmlinuz", :initrd_uri=>"", :kernel_uri=>"", :mediapath=>"url --url", :osver=>9, :provisioning_type=>"host", :static=>false, :template_name=>"Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host"}>.
- This prevents `pxelinux.efi` from being generated,, TFTP fails, host is not provisioned
When resolving host templates, the following are associated (stock templates, not edited in any way)Kind | Name |
Boot disk | Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host |
PXEGrub template | Kickstart default PXEGrub |
PXEGrub2 template | Kickstart default PXEGrub2 |
PXELinux template | Kickstart default PXELinux |
Host initial configuration template | Linux host_init_config default |
iPXE template | Kickstart default iPXE |
Provisioning template | Kickstart default |
Similar previous issues¶
Updated by Evgeni Golov 6 months ago
- Related to Bug #35127: Migrate discovery and bootdisk templates to Foreman added
Updated by Evgeni Golov 6 months ago
- Related to Bug #37421: foreman_bootdisk templates not seeded added
Updated by Francesco Di Nucci 6 months ago
- Subject changed from undefined method `bootdisk_raise' to undefined methods `bootdisk_raise' and 'bootdisk_chain_url'
Updated by Francesco Di Nucci 6 months ago
More details on 'bootdisk_raise' issue
- Host must be misconfigured to raise the error "Generic disk not supported for EFI, use subnet disk."
- Replacing 'bootdisk_raise' with 'raise' seems to be a quick fix for the issue
Updated by Francesco Di Nucci 6 months ago
About 'bootdisk_chain_url'
- in the Operating System templates select as boot disk a iPXE one
- Try to build the host
Failure parsing Boot disk iPXE - host: undefined method `bootdisk_chain_url' for #<Foreman::Renderer::Scope::Provisioning:0x00007fdc93c8f330 @source=#<Foreman::Renderer::Source::Database:0x00007fdc93c8f380 @template=#<ProvisioningTemplate id: 34, name: "Boot disk iPXE - host", template: "<%#\nname: Boot disk iPXE - host\nsnippet: false\nmod...", snippet: false, template_kind_id: 1, created_at: "2024-07-16 09:08:47.808848000 +0200", updated_at: "2024-07-16 09:08:47.808848000 +0200", locked: true, default: true, vendor: "Foreman", type: "ProvisioningTemplate", os_family: nil, description: "Example foreman_bootdisk host template\nThis templa...">, @name="Boot disk iPXE - host", @content="<%#\nname: Boot disk iPXE - host\nsnippet: false\nmodel: ProvisioningTemplate\nkind: Bootdisk\ndescription: |\n Example foreman_bootdisk host template\n This template is rendered for use inside a host-specific boot disk.\nrequire:\n- plugin: foreman_bootdisk\n version: 20.0.0\n-%>\n#!ipxe\n\n<%\ninterface = @host.provision_interface\nbootdisk_raise(N_('Host has no provisioning interface defined')) unless interface\nbootdisk_raise(N_('Host has no IPv4 or IPv6 address defined')) unless interface.ip.present? || interface.ip6.present?\nbootdisk_raise(N_('Host has no subnet defined')) unless interface.subnet || interface.subnet6\nbootdisk_raise(N_('Host has no domain defined')) unless interface.domain\nif interface.ip.present? && interface.subnet\n ip = interface.ip\n subnet = interface.subnet\nelsif interface.ip6.present? && interface.subnet6\n ip = interface.ip6\n subnet = interface.subnet6\n bootdisk_raise(N_('Host bootdisk does not work with static IPv6'))\nelse\n bootdisk_raise(N_('Both IP and Subnet must be set'))\nend\n\nmask = subnet.mask\ngw = subnet.gateway\ndns = subnet.dns_servers.first\n%>\n\necho Foreman Bootdisk: Host image (<%= %>)\n\n# loop over net* until the host's MAC matches\n<% (0..32).each do |i| -%>\n:net<%= i %>\nisset ${net<%= i -%>/mac} || goto no_nic\necho net<%= i -%> is a ${net<%= i -%>/chip} with MAC ${net<%= i -%>/mac}\niseq ${net<%= i -%>/mac} <%= interface.mac -%> || goto net<%= i+1 %>\nset idx:int32 <%= i %>\ngoto loop_success\n<% end -%>\n\n:loop_success\necho Configuring net${idx} for static IP address <%= ip %>\nifopen net${idx}\n# netX = last opened NIC\nset netX/ip <%= ip %>\nset netX/netmask <%= mask %>\n<% if gw.present? %>\nset netX/gateway <%= gw %>\n<% end %>\nifstat net${idx}\nroute\n\n# Note: When multiple DNS servers are specified, only the first\n# server will be used. See:\n<% if dns.present? -%>\necho Using DNS <%= dns %>\nset dns <%= dns %>\nset domain <%= interface.domain.to_s %>\n<% end %>\n\necho Trying to ping Gateway: ${netX/gateway}\nping --count 1 ${netX/gateway} || echo Ping to Gateway failed or ping command not available.\n<% if dns.present? -%>\necho Trying to ping DNS: ${netX/dns}\nping --count 1 ${netX/dns} || echo Ping to DNS failed or ping command not available.\n<% end %>\n\n# Chainload from Foreman rather than embedding OS info here, so the behaviour\n# is entirely dynamic.\nchain <%= bootdisk_chain_url %>\nexit 0\n\n:no_nic\necho Cannot find interface with MAC <%= interface.mac %>, spawning shell\nshell\n">, @host=#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-09-09 11:09:40.442320000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "Grub2 UEFI HTTP", initiated_at: "2024-09-09 10:58:22.508455000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, @params={}, @variables_keys=[], @mode="real", @template_name="Boot disk iPXE - host", @loaded=["load_variables_base"], @medium_provider=#<MediumProviders::Default:0x00007fdc93c8efc0 @entity=#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-09-09 11:09:40.442320000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "Grub2 UEFI HTTP", initiated_at: "2024-09-09 10:58:22.508455000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, @errors=[], @unique_id="almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21">, @dynamic=false, @arch="x86_64", @osver=9, @mediapath="url --url", @kernel="boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-vmlinuz", @initrd="boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-initrd.img", @kernel_uri="", @initrd_uri="", @additional_media=[], @provisioning_type="host", @static=false, @template_url=nil, @template_input_values={}, @renderer=Foreman::Renderer::SafeModeRenderer, @allowed_helpers=[:foreman_url, :snippet, :snippets, :snippet_if_exists, :indent, :foreman_server_fqdn, :foreman_server_url, :foreman_request_addr, :log_debug, :log_info, :log_warn, :log_error, :log_fatal, :template_name, :dns_lookup, :pxe_kernel_options, :save_to_file, :subnet_param, :subnet_has_param?, :global_setting, :default_template_url, :plugin_present?, :medium_provider, :medium_uri, :user_auth_source_name, :all_host_statuses, :all_host_statuses_hash, :all_host_statuses_labels_hash, :host_status, :preview?, :raise, :input, :input_resource, :rand, :rand_hex, :rand_name, :mac_name, :host_kernel_release, :host_uptime_seconds, :host_memory, :host_sockets, :host_cores, :host_virtual, :number_to_currency, :number_to_human, :number_to_percentage, :number_with_delimiter, :number_with_precision, :number_to_human_size, :gem_version_compare, :sequence_hostgroup_param_next, :transpile_coreos_linux_config, :transpile_fedora_coreos_config, :parse_yaml, :parse_json, :to_json, :to_yaml, :foreman_server_ca_cert, :format_time, :shell_escape, :join_with_line_break, :current_date, :current_time, :truthy?, :falsy?, :previous_revision, :foreman_short_version, :product_short_version, :bootdisk_chain_url, :bootdisk_raise, :host_puppet_classes, :grub_pass, :ks_console, :root_pass, :media_path, :match, :host_param_true?, :host_param_false?, :host_param, :host_param!, :host_puppet_server, :host_puppet_ca_server, :host_puppet_environment, :host_enc, :install_packages, :update_packages, :load_organizations, :load_locations, :load_hosts, :load_operating_systems, :load_subnets, :load_smart_proxies, :load_user_groups, :load_host_groups, :load_domains, :load_realms, :load_users], @allowed_variables={:additional_media=>[], :arch=>"x86_64", :dynamic=>false, :host=>#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-09-09 11:09:40.442320000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "Grub2 UEFI HTTP", initiated_at: "2024-09-09 10:58:22.508455000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, :initrd=>"boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-initrd.img", :kernel=>"boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-vmlinuz", :initrd_uri=>"", :kernel_uri=>"", :mediapath=>"url --url", :osver=>9, :provisioning_type=>"host", :static=>false, :template_name=>"Boot disk iPXE - host"}>
Did you mean? boot_api_host_url.
Updated by The Foreman Bot 6 months ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request added
Updated by Leos Stejskal 5 months ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset foreman_bootdisk|415780ddfd70ff794ac061ad1daba8101528c651.
Updated by The Foreman Bot 5 months ago
- Pull request added