



Bug #37792


undefined methods `bootdisk_raise' and 'bootdisk_chain_url'

Added by Francesco Di Nucci 6 months ago. Updated 5 months ago.

Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:



  • Foreman 3.11.2
  • Configured OS etc, it works to provision BIOS/PXE hosts with TFTP
  • Tried to create a UEFI/PXE host, the following error is issued:

Failure parsing Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host: undefined method `bootdisk_raise' for #<Foreman::Renderer::Scope::Provisioning:0x00007fc8928a9910 @source=#<Foreman::Renderer::Source::Database:0x00007fc8928a9af0 @template=#<ProvisioningTemplate id: 31, name: "Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host", template: "<%#\nname: Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host\nsnipp...", snippet: false, template_kind_id: 1, created_at: "2024-07-16 09:08:47.747942000 +0200", updated_at: "2024-07-16 09:08:47.747942000 +0200", locked: true, default: true, vendor: "Foreman", type: "ProvisioningTemplate", os_family: nil, description: "Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host">, @name="Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host", @content="<%#\nname: Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host\nsnippet: false\nmodel: ProvisioningTemplate\nkind: Bootdisk\ndescription: |\n  Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host\nrequire:\n- plugin: foreman_bootdisk\n  version: 20.0.0\n-%>\n#\n# Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host\n#\n#set debug=\"http,efinet,net\"\n#set debug=all\necho \"Foreman Bootdisk: 'Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host' template\"\necho\necho \"********************************************************\"\necho \" REQUIREMENTS:\"\necho \" * SUBNET GENERIC IMAGE ONLY (host image not supported)\"\necho \" * HOST PARAM default_grub_install_entry set to efi_http\"\necho \" * PROXY WITH HTTPBOOT FEATURE\"\necho \" * HTTP UEFI BOOT ONLY (Legacy/PXE not supported)\"\necho \" * IPv4 ONLY (IPv6 not tested, change the template)\"\necho \" * HTTP ONLY (change the template for HTTPS)\"\necho \" * ISC DHCP (other servers not tested)\"\necho \" * GRUB FROM RHEL 8.3+/7.9+ (when generating the image)\"\necho \" * EFI HTTP or HTTPS grub entry must be selected in menu\"\necho \" * DNS must resolve proxy hostname via DNS proxy if set\"\necho \"*******************************************************\"\nsleep 5\n<%\n# possible values are: \"http\" or \"https\"\nproxy_proto = \"http\"\n\n@subnet || bootdisk_raise(\"Generic disk not supported for EFI, use subnet disk\")\n@subnet.template? || bootdisk_raise(\"Requires a proxy with template feature\")\nproxy_port = if proxy_proto == \"http\"\n  @subnet.httpboot.httpboot_http_port\nelse\n  @subnet.httpboot.httpboot_https_port\nend\n# Workaround for \"no DNS server configured\"\nproxy_httpboot_host = dns_lookup(@subnet.httpboot.hostname)\nproxy_template_host = dns_lookup(@subnet.template.hostname)\n-%>\necho\nnet_ls_cards\necho \"Configuring ALL cards via BOOTP/IPv4\"\nnet_bootp\n# uncomment here for IPv6 support (not tested)\n#echo \"Configuring ALL cards via BOOTP/IPv6\"\n#net_ipv6_autoconf\nnet_ls_addr\nnet_ls_routes\nnet_ls_dns\necho Trying to ping proxy_httpboot_host: <%= proxy_httpboot_host %>\nping --count 1 <%= proxy_httpboot_host %> || echo Ping to proxy_httpboot_host failed or ping command not available.\necho Trying to ping proxy_template_host: <%= proxy_template_host %>\nping --count 1 <%= proxy_template_host %> || echo Ping to proxy_template_host failed or ping command not available.\nsleep 5\nset root=(<%= proxy_proto %>,<%= proxy_httpboot_host %>:<%= proxy_port %>)\n# The variable will not survive configfile fetch, therefore absolute path\n# must be used in the chainloaded template.\n#\nset http_path=/httpboot/\nset default=efi_<%= proxy_proto %>\n<% (0..32).each do |i| -%>\n  echo \"Trying efinet<%= i %> via <%= proxy_proto %>://<%= proxy_template_host %>:<%= proxy_port %>/unattended/PXEGrub2?mac=$net_efinet<%= i %>_dhcp_mac\"\n  set net_default_mac=$net_efinet<%= i %>_dhcp_mac\n  sleep 5\n  configfile (<%= proxy_proto %>,<%= proxy_template_host %>:<%= proxy_port %>)/unattended/PXEGrub2?mac=$net_efinet<%= i %>_dhcp_mac\n<% end -%>\n\necho \"Could not find a host with PXEGrub2 template and one of the MAC addresses!\"\necho \"The system will poweroff in few minutes...\"\nsleep 500\npoweroff\n">, @host=#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-08-30 10:16:47.621208000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "PXELinux UEFI", initiated_at: "2024-08-30 10:13:00.863692000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, @params={}, @variables_keys=[], @mode="real", @template_name="Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host", @loaded=["load_variables_base"], @medium_provider=#<MediumProviders::Default:0x00007fc8928a9438 @entity=#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-08-30 10:16:47.621208000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "PXELinux UEFI", initiated_at: "2024-08-30 10:13:00.863692000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, @errors=[], @unique_id="almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21">, @dynamic=false, @arch="x86_64", @osver=9, @mediapath="url --url", @kernel="boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-vmlinuz", @initrd="boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-initrd.img", @kernel_uri="", @initrd_uri="", @additional_media=[], @provisioning_type="host", @static=false, @template_url=nil, @template_input_values={}, @renderer=Foreman::Renderer::SafeModeRenderer, @allowed_helpers=[:foreman_url, :snippet, :snippets, :snippet_if_exists, :indent, :foreman_server_fqdn, :foreman_server_url, :foreman_request_addr, :log_debug, :log_info, :log_warn, :log_error, :log_fatal, :template_name, :dns_lookup, :pxe_kernel_options, :save_to_file, :subnet_param, :subnet_has_param?, :global_setting, :default_template_url, :plugin_present?, :medium_provider, :medium_uri, :user_auth_source_name, :all_host_statuses, :all_host_statuses_hash, :all_host_statuses_labels_hash, :host_status, :preview?, :raise, :input, :input_resource, :rand, :rand_hex, :rand_name, :mac_name, :host_kernel_release, :host_uptime_seconds, :host_memory, :host_sockets, :host_cores, :host_virtual, :number_to_currency, :number_to_human, :number_to_percentage, :number_with_delimiter, :number_with_precision, :number_to_human_size, :gem_version_compare, :sequence_hostgroup_param_next, :transpile_coreos_linux_config, :transpile_fedora_coreos_config, :parse_yaml, :parse_json, :to_json, :to_yaml, :foreman_server_ca_cert, :format_time, :shell_escape, :join_with_line_break, :current_date, :current_time, :truthy?, :falsy?, :previous_revision, :foreman_short_version, :product_short_version, :bootdisk_chain_url, :bootdisk_raise, :host_puppet_classes, :grub_pass, :ks_console, :root_pass, :media_path, :match, :host_param_true?, :host_param_false?, :host_param, :host_param!, :host_puppet_server, :host_puppet_ca_server, :host_puppet_environment, :host_enc, :install_packages, :update_packages, :load_organizations, :load_locations, :load_hosts, :load_operating_systems, :load_subnets, :load_smart_proxies, :load_user_groups, :load_host_groups, :load_domains, :load_realms, :load_users], @allowed_variables={:additional_media=>[], :arch=>"x86_64", :dynamic=>false, :host=>#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-08-30 10:16:47.621208000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "PXELinux UEFI", initiated_at: "2024-08-30 10:13:00.863692000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, :initrd=>"boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-initrd.img", :kernel=>"boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-vmlinuz", :initrd_uri=>"", :kernel_uri=>"", :mediapath=>"url --url", :osver=>9, :provisioning_type=>"host", :static=>false, :template_name=>"Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host"}>.
  • This prevents `pxelinux.efi` from being generated,, TFTP fails, host is not provisioned


When resolving host templates, the following are associated (stock templates, not edited in any way)
Kind Name
Boot disk Boot disk Grub2 EFI - generic host
PXEGrub template Kickstart default PXEGrub
PXEGrub2 template Kickstart default PXEGrub2
PXELinux template Kickstart default PXELinux
Host initial configuration template Linux host_init_config default
iPXE template Kickstart default iPXE
Provisioning template Kickstart default

Similar previous issues

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Foreman - Bug #35127: Migrate discovery and bootdisk templates to Foreman ClosedActions
Related to Foreman - Bug #37421: foreman_bootdisk templates not seededClosedLeos StejskalActions
Actions #1

Updated by Evgeni Golov 6 months ago

  • Related to Bug #35127: Migrate discovery and bootdisk templates to Foreman added
Actions #2

Updated by Evgeni Golov 6 months ago

  • Related to Bug #37421: foreman_bootdisk templates not seeded added
Actions #3

Updated by Francesco Di Nucci 6 months ago

  • Subject changed from undefined method `bootdisk_raise' to undefined methods `bootdisk_raise' and 'bootdisk_chain_url'
Actions #4

Updated by Francesco Di Nucci 6 months ago

More details on 'bootdisk_raise' issue

  • Host must be misconfigured to raise the error "Generic disk not supported for EFI, use subnet disk."
  • Replacing 'bootdisk_raise' with 'raise' seems to be a quick fix for the issue
Actions #5

Updated by Francesco Di Nucci 6 months ago

About 'bootdisk_chain_url'

  • in the Operating System templates select as boot disk a iPXE one
  • Try to build the host


Failure parsing Boot disk iPXE - host: undefined method `bootdisk_chain_url' for #<Foreman::Renderer::Scope::Provisioning:0x00007fdc93c8f330 @source=#<Foreman::Renderer::Source::Database:0x00007fdc93c8f380 @template=#<ProvisioningTemplate id: 34, name: "Boot disk iPXE - host", template: "<%#\nname: Boot disk iPXE - host\nsnippet: false\nmod...", snippet: false, template_kind_id: 1, created_at: "2024-07-16 09:08:47.808848000 +0200", updated_at: "2024-07-16 09:08:47.808848000 +0200", locked: true, default: true, vendor: "Foreman", type: "ProvisioningTemplate", os_family: nil, description: "Example foreman_bootdisk host template\nThis templa...">, @name="Boot disk iPXE - host", @content="<%#\nname: Boot disk iPXE - host\nsnippet: false\nmodel: ProvisioningTemplate\nkind: Bootdisk\ndescription: |\n  Example foreman_bootdisk host template\n  This template is rendered for use inside a host-specific boot disk.\nrequire:\n- plugin: foreman_bootdisk\n  version: 20.0.0\n-%>\n#!ipxe\n\n<%\ninterface = @host.provision_interface\nbootdisk_raise(N_('Host has no provisioning interface defined')) unless interface\nbootdisk_raise(N_('Host has no IPv4 or IPv6 address defined')) unless interface.ip.present? || interface.ip6.present?\nbootdisk_raise(N_('Host has no subnet defined')) unless interface.subnet || interface.subnet6\nbootdisk_raise(N_('Host has no domain defined')) unless interface.domain\nif interface.ip.present? && interface.subnet\n  ip = interface.ip\n  subnet = interface.subnet\nelsif interface.ip6.present? && interface.subnet6\n  ip = interface.ip6\n  subnet = interface.subnet6\n  bootdisk_raise(N_('Host bootdisk does not work with static IPv6'))\nelse\n  bootdisk_raise(N_('Both IP and Subnet must be set'))\nend\n\nmask = subnet.mask\ngw = subnet.gateway\ndns = subnet.dns_servers.first\n%>\n\necho Foreman Bootdisk: Host image (<%= %>)\n\n# loop over net* until the host's MAC matches\n<% (0..32).each do |i| -%>\n:net<%= i %>\nisset ${net<%= i -%>/mac} || goto no_nic\necho net<%= i -%> is a ${net<%= i -%>/chip} with MAC ${net<%= i -%>/mac}\niseq ${net<%= i -%>/mac} <%= interface.mac -%> || goto net<%= i+1 %>\nset idx:int32 <%= i %>\ngoto loop_success\n<% end -%>\n\n:loop_success\necho Configuring net${idx} for static IP address <%= ip %>\nifopen net${idx}\n# netX = last opened NIC\nset netX/ip <%= ip %>\nset netX/netmask <%= mask %>\n<% if gw.present? %>\nset netX/gateway <%= gw %>\n<% end %>\nifstat net${idx}\nroute\n\n# Note: When multiple DNS servers are specified, only the first\n# server will be used. See:\n<% if dns.present? -%>\necho Using DNS <%= dns %>\nset dns <%= dns %>\nset domain <%= interface.domain.to_s %>\n<% end %>\n\necho Trying to ping Gateway: ${netX/gateway}\nping --count 1 ${netX/gateway} || echo Ping to Gateway failed or ping command not available.\n<% if dns.present? -%>\necho Trying to ping DNS: ${netX/dns}\nping --count 1 ${netX/dns} || echo Ping to DNS failed or ping command not available.\n<% end %>\n\n# Chainload from Foreman rather than embedding OS info here, so the behaviour\n# is entirely dynamic.\nchain <%= bootdisk_chain_url %>\nexit 0\n\n:no_nic\necho Cannot find interface with MAC <%= interface.mac %>, spawning shell\nshell\n">, @host=#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-09-09 11:09:40.442320000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "Grub2 UEFI HTTP", initiated_at: "2024-09-09 10:58:22.508455000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, @params={}, @variables_keys=[], @mode="real", @template_name="Boot disk iPXE - host", @loaded=["load_variables_base"], @medium_provider=#<MediumProviders::Default:0x00007fdc93c8efc0 @entity=#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-09-09 11:09:40.442320000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "Grub2 UEFI HTTP", initiated_at: "2024-09-09 10:58:22.508455000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, @errors=[], @unique_id="almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21">, @dynamic=false, @arch="x86_64", @osver=9, @mediapath="url --url", @kernel="boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-vmlinuz", @initrd="boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-initrd.img", @kernel_uri="", @initrd_uri="", @additional_media=[], @provisioning_type="host", @static=false, @template_url=nil, @template_input_values={}, @renderer=Foreman::Renderer::SafeModeRenderer, @allowed_helpers=[:foreman_url, :snippet, :snippets, :snippet_if_exists, :indent, :foreman_server_fqdn, :foreman_server_url, :foreman_request_addr, :log_debug, :log_info, :log_warn, :log_error, :log_fatal, :template_name, :dns_lookup, :pxe_kernel_options, :save_to_file, :subnet_param, :subnet_has_param?, :global_setting, :default_template_url, :plugin_present?, :medium_provider, :medium_uri, :user_auth_source_name, :all_host_statuses, :all_host_statuses_hash, :all_host_statuses_labels_hash, :host_status, :preview?, :raise, :input, :input_resource, :rand, :rand_hex, :rand_name, :mac_name, :host_kernel_release, :host_uptime_seconds, :host_memory, :host_sockets, :host_cores, :host_virtual, :number_to_currency, :number_to_human, :number_to_percentage, :number_with_delimiter, :number_with_precision, :number_to_human_size, :gem_version_compare, :sequence_hostgroup_param_next, :transpile_coreos_linux_config, :transpile_fedora_coreos_config, :parse_yaml, :parse_json, :to_json, :to_yaml, :foreman_server_ca_cert, :format_time, :shell_escape, :join_with_line_break, :current_date, :current_time, :truthy?, :falsy?, :previous_revision, :foreman_short_version, :product_short_version, :bootdisk_chain_url, :bootdisk_raise, :host_puppet_classes, :grub_pass, :ks_console, :root_pass, :media_path, :match, :host_param_true?, :host_param_false?, :host_param, :host_param!, :host_puppet_server, :host_puppet_ca_server, :host_puppet_environment, :host_enc, :install_packages, :update_packages, :load_organizations, :load_locations, :load_hosts, :load_operating_systems, :load_subnets, :load_smart_proxies, :load_user_groups, :load_host_groups, :load_domains, :load_realms, :load_users], @allowed_variables={:additional_media=>[], :arch=>"x86_64", :dynamic=>false, :host=>#<Host::Managed id: 6, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2024-09-09 11:09:40.442320000 +0200", created_at: "2024-08-28 16:39:50.121550000 +0200", root_pass: [FILTERED], architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, ptable_id: 164, medium_id: 16, build: false, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 5, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 3, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 3, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: "build", grub_pass: "$5$8T3y9fIFQb9MTkaS$hZ0O/1AvDmwF9USwReSmdpY7JFpj7w...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: [FILTERED], openscap_proxy_id: 3, pxe_loader: "Grub2 UEFI HTTP", initiated_at: "2024-09-09 10:58:22.508455000 +0200", build_errors: nil, creator_id: 5>, :initrd=>"boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-initrd.img", :kernel=>"boot/almalinux-garr-HUPoRN6tqM21-vmlinuz", :initrd_uri=>"", :kernel_uri=>"", :mediapath=>"url --url", :osver=>9, :provisioning_type=>"host", :static=>false, :template_name=>"Boot disk iPXE - host"}>
Did you mean?  boot_api_host_url.

Actions #6

Updated by The Foreman Bot 6 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
  • Pull request added
Actions #7

Updated by Leos Stejskal 5 months ago

  • Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Actions #8

Updated by The Foreman Bot 5 months ago

  • Pull request added

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