Bug #37824
closedHide organization-id and location-id options from api documentation of unscoped resources
Some resources like user groups, external user groups, and architectures are not scoped by taxonomies, yet the the api endpoints associated with these resources accept the `organization-id` and `location-id` options. I didn't observe any effect of these options on the api call, except for when trying to create an external user group and providing either organization-id or location-id, which causes the action to fail and an error appears in the logs: undefined method external_usergroups for #<{Organization/Location}: ...
There is, however; no simple way of fixing this. All `Api::V2` controllers inherit from `Api::V2::BaseController`, where the taxonomy options are added through the `resource_description` method from Apipie. While this method can be overridden in child classes, there appears to be no way (at least I have not found such a way) of removing a parameter once it is added. This probably reflects the standard inheritance behavior, so whether the option of removing a parameter should be added to this method is debatable.
The most correct solution would be of course to create a child class inheriting from BaseController, provide the resource description with taxonomy options there, and then have all taxonomy-scoped resource controllers inherit from it. The problem is that there are many plugins in which the controllers inherit from BaseController that would all need to be updated as well. I see too much potential for breaking because of a relatively harmless bug, so in my opinion the risk is not worth to fix the issue this way.
Hence, I propose a partial solution. Hide the taxonomy options from the API documentation of the relevant resources. This is possible with overriding the `resource_description` method in the relevant controllers. Hammer can also be updated to not display options with the `show => false` flag set.
This would not completely solve the issue but in my opinion has the best effort/result/risk reduction ratio.
Updated by The Foreman Bot 6 months ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/10322 added
Updated by Oleh Fedorenko 3 months ago
- Precedes Feature #38077: Support :show flag from apipie-bindings added
Updated by Adam Lazik about 2 months ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset foreman|6cf6aacd3a2fa181f6a8e82024a575a006dd9dc6.
Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden 11 days ago
- Category set to API
- Triaged changed from No to Yes