Bug #3785
openProvisioning Templates do not update on change
Once an operating system is set with a list of templates (PXELinux, kickstart, etc), the templates seem to be persistent at the "host->edit->operating system", even if one changes the templates that belong to the Operating system.
For example:
1. Redhat 6.5 = set templates to "kickstart provision RHEL", "kickstart PXELinux RHEL"
2. Fedora 19 = set templates to "kickstart provision Fedora", "kickstart PXELinux Fedora"
after setting the host with the given OS (resolve shows the templates), if I try to change the templates in the Operating System menu to say "kickstart test" and submit, the host still shows the original kickstart templates even though it should have been updated.
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 11 years ago
- Translation missing: en.field_release deleted (
Updated by Charlie Derwent over 11 years ago
Yeah I see the same thing. The only way I'm able to force a change is to break the association between the template and the OS/env on the provisioning templates page.