Bug #38285
openDisallow pushing containers to rolling content views
By design, rolling content views do not have associated Pulp repositories.
This means it is not possible to push containers to them.
This is fine, because there is nothing preventing users from pushing their containers to a normal content view instead.
However, we need to make sure that attempting to push a container to a rolling content view results in a meaningful error message explaining this.
Something like: "It is not possible to push containers to rolling content views, please use a normal content view instead."
The scope of this ticket is to ensure that any attempt to push containers to a rolling content view, will result in this message and no change to the rolling content view.
Updated by Quirin Pamp 17 days ago
- Related to Feature #38048: Add rolling content views added
Updated by Ian Ballou 17 days ago
- Target version changed from Katello 4.16.0 to Katello 4.17.0
- Red Hat JIRA set to SAT-31807
Updated by Ian Ballou 17 days ago
- Category set to Content Views
- Triaged changed from No to Yes