Bug #3852
closedWelcome page is no logner visible
Yesterday I noticed interesting fact - starting with Foreman 1.3 there is no Welcome page, if you log in after 30+ minutes.
The reason for that is we now registrate one proxy during installation and if everything succeeds and the first host is reported via puppet, host record is created with all necessary records too and welcome page is no longer visible.
Since this is happening everytime and with the default puppet installer configuration, we sholud provide some solution, because this can cause confusion to newcomers.
Maybe it's the time to make the wizard the default thing? But this brings the very same question - should we show the wizard even when the first host entry is created? I think we should.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #3163: FQDN/dashboard/help disappears after setup added
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
Agreed, though we don't have a wizard at the moment. foreman_setup's the closest, and I would like to make this more "default" (once we've got plugin installer support in #3308).