Bug #4830
closedTrends with no data should provide a warning message - e.g. No data yet
When I specify range in Monitor -> Trends -> <my_architecture_trend>, it does not seem to apply to the graph.
I have this trend:
Fact Name Display Name architecture Somename Value Display Name x86_64 x86_64
and when I click at it, sub heading of the graph changes from "last 30 days" to, say, "last 15 days", but x-axe labels do not move or change. Also I have the Satellite 6 system installed only for ~5 days, so majority of the interval there have to be gap.
# rpm -qa | grep -e katello -e foreman foreman- rubygem-hammer_cli_katello-0.0.3-6.el6sat.noarch foreman-ovirt- foreman-selinux-1.5.0-0.develop.el6sat.noarch katello-apache-1.0-1.noarch ruby193-rubygem-foreman-tasks-0.4.0-5.el6sat.noarch rubygem-katello_api-0.0.8-2.el6sat.noarch katello-1.5.0-18.el6sat.noarch foreman-proxy-1.5.3-1.el6sat.noarch katello-ca-1.0-1.noarch katello-certs-tools-1.5.5-1.el6sat.noarch rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman-0.0.18-8.el6sat.noarch katello-installer-0.0.30-1.el6sat.noarch foreman-libvirt- rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_tasks-0.0.1-4.el6sat.noarch pulp-katello-plugins-0.2-1.el6sat.noarch foreman-vmware- foreman-postgresql- foreman-compute- rubygem-foreman_api-0.1.11-4.el6sat.noarch ruby193-rubygem-katello-1.5.0-23.el6sat.noarch