Bug #5180
closedUsergroupTest.test_0004_hosts should be retrieved from recursive/complex usergroup definitions broken
UsergroupTest.test_0004_hosts should be retrieved from recursive/complex usergroup definitions
<[]> expected but was
<[#<Host::Managed id: 1073012888, name: "h1.someware.com", ip: "", last_compile: nil, last_freshcheck: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2014-04-14 11:55:02", source_file_id: nil, created_at: "2014-04-14 11:55:02", mac: "22:33:44:55:66:01", root_pass: nil, serial: nil, puppet_status: 0, domain_id: 22495316, architecture_id: 501905019, operatingsystem_id: 1073012828, environment_id: 334344675, subnet_id: 980190962, ptable_id: 980190962, medium_id: nil, build: false, comment: nil, disk: nil, installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: nil, owner_id: 980191116, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 182953976, managed: false, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: nil, compute_resource_id: nil, puppet_proxy_id: 182953976, certname: nil, image_id: nil, organization_id: nil, location_id: nil, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: nil, provision_method: nil>]>. (test_0004_hosts should be retrieved from recursive/complex usergroup definitions)