Bug #5642
closedHammer Cli : Unable to create a content view using content-view create
[root@qetello01 ~]# hammer organization create --name s786
Organization created
[root@qetello01 ~]# hammer organization info --name s786
Id: 327
Name: s786
Created at: 2014/04/14 07:41:57
Updated at: 2014/04/14 07:41:58
Label: s786
[root@qetello01 ~]# hammer content-view create --name cvq --organization-id 327
Could not create the content view:
Couldn't find organization '327'
[root@qetello01 ~]# hammer content-view create --name cvq
Could not create the content view:
Error: option '--organization-id' is required
See: 'hammer content-view create --help'
[root@qetello01 ~]# hammer content-view create --name cvq --organization-id s786
Content view created
Updated by dustin tsang almost 11 years ago
"can create CV with organization label. But the help part is saying organization-id is required."
Updated by Eric Helms over 10 years ago
- Translation missing: en.field_release set to 13