Bug #5676
closedVMware Compute Profile Can't Change Interface
I have a VMware compute profile created and it's default to the top most network name and NIC type of E1000. If I change it to VMXNET3 and the correct network name and click save, it doesn't save. Recreating the profile seems to work OK.
No errors are reported in the production log.
Updated by Mike McRill almost 11 years ago
EDIT: Recreating a new compute profile does not fix the issue--it still shows NIC type of E1000 and the top most network name.
Updated by Mike McRill almost 11 years ago
Looks like LUN is the same thing--it defaults to the top most LUN and subsequent changes aren't saved.
Updated by Mike McRill almost 11 years ago
In the production log, it looks like it's not even taking the parameters specified in the web interface from the POST:
Started PUT "/compute_profiles/5-web-server/compute_attributes/2" for at 2014-05-12 09:25:08 -0500
Processing by ComputeAttributesController#update as */*
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"xxx/k=", "compute_attribute"=>{"vm_attrs"=>{"cpus"=>"1", "corespersocket"=>"2", "memory_mb"=>"1024", "cluster"=>"LAN", "path"=>"/Web Developers", "guest_id"=>"centos64Guest", "interfaces_attributes"=>{"new_interfaces"=>{"type"=>"VirtualE1000", "network"=>"dvportgroup-526", "_delete"=>""}, "0"=>{"type"=>"VirtualVmxnet3", "network"=>"dvportgroup-530", "_delete"=>""}}, "volumes_attributes"=>{"new_volumes"=>{"datastore"=>"wrongdatastore", "name"=>"Hard disk", "size_gb"=>"10", "thin"=>"true", "_delete"=>""}, "0"=>{"datastore"=>"rightdatastore", "name"=>"Hard disk", "size_gb"=>"10", "thin"=>"true", "_delete"=>""}}, "scsi_controller_type"=>"VirtualLsiLogicController"}}, "compute_profile_id"=>"5-web-server", "id"=>"2"}
Successfully decrypted field for Foreman::Model::Vmware VMware
Redirected to https://ddpuppet/compute_profiles/5-web-server
Completed 302 Found in 292ms (ActiveRecord: 3.8ms)
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #5652: vmWare Compute Resources not being honored added
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
I think this is the issue I'm fixing via #5652 - a patch is available if you have the opportunity to test it.