



Support #607


Question about support Oracle DB as backend for Foreman

Added by Nikolay Aralovets about 14 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

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Hello Ohad,
Please, tell me about support Oracle for Foreman. As is written in FAQ:
Where is the DB?!ΒΆ
By default, Foreman will use sqlite3 as a database, its configuration can be found at
By default, the database can be found at the db subdirectory.
Foreman is a rails application, therefor, anything that is supported under RAILS (sqlite, mysql, postsql, oracle etc) can be used.

But when I began to use oracle, I have faced problems. For example - does not work dashboard and some others (Bugs number 546, 545, 536). Whether you plan to solve problems with Oracle using or not?
Best regards.

Actions #1

Updated by Ohad Levy about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Nikolay Aralovets wrote:

Foreman is a rails application, therefor, anything that is supported under RAILS (sqlite, mysql, postsql, oracle etc) can be used.

We did initially a few successful tests on oracle, however since then I had no access to oracle db to validate new features...

But when I began to use oracle, I have faced problems. For example - does not work dashboard and some others (Bugs number 546, 545, 536). Whether you plan to solve problems with Oracle using or not?

I would love to, I was simply busy with other activities, probably best to talk about this is over irc/mailing see support list.. I'll have another tickets now if something comes into mind

Actions #2

Updated by Nikolay Aralovets about 14 years ago

Ohad, thanks for answer!
If you need to receive distrib Oracle DB (10.2) - You can be registered in oracle offsite and download any version - for exaple, Oracle Express Edition or Enterprise Edition. Is not necessary to pay for it.


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