Bug #6159
Updating image in compute resource doesn't update the image_id attribute in compute profiles
Added by Ivan Necas over 10 years ago.
Updated about 5 years ago.
Compute resources
1. create image inside compute resource
2. create a compute profile for that resource referencing the attribute
3. update the image in compute resource
The image_id attribute in compute profile for the resource still contains the old
value, which can lead to "Selected image does not belong to" error messages
when validating host.
Expected: the value for the image (and potentially other references) get updated
in compute profile.
- Category set to Compute resources
- Bugzilla link set to 1529252
- Has duplicate Bug #14211: Host image_id has not effect on the actual image to be used when provisioning added
- Related to Refactor #14536: Better definition of the merging of compute attributes from different sources added
- Related to Bug #13764: The image selection in compute profile for image-based provisioning has no effect added
- Project changed from Foreman to Hammer CLI
- Category changed from Compute resources to Compute resources
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/hammer-cli-foreman/pull/404 added
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- Fixed in Releases hammer-cli-foreman-0.19.1, hammer-cli-foreman-0.18.2, hammer-cli-foreman-0.18.1, hammer-cli-foreman-0.19.0, hammer-cli-foreman-0.19.2, hammer-cli-foreman-0.19.3, hammer-cli-foreman-0.19.4, hammer-cli-foreman-0.19.5, hammer-cli-foreman-0.19.6, hammer-cli-foreman-0.20.0 added
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
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