Bug #7517
closedPuppet class parameter not removed from environment after an import
Here is a description of my problem:
I've a Puppet class class_A and 2 environments env_A and env_B.
Here is a description of my class present in env_A AND env_B:
class class_A ($param_A) { ... }
I want to upgrade the definition of the class in env_B only with the following:
class class_A ($param_B, $param_C) { ... }
So I upload my new module definition to the puppetmaster and trigger an import on Foreman.
Now, if I check in Configure > Puppet classes > class_A > Smartclass parameters I can see that:
- My new parameters param_B and param_C are present for the environment env_B only
- The parameter param_A is still present in env_B
It is annoying because if I try to a Puppet run on a host from env_B, it can't run saying unable to locate parameter param_A.
I had to delete the param_A from my Puppet classe, which also removed the parameter from the environment env_A causing error in the puppet runs for that environment.