Bug #8270
closed`katello-installer --help` mentions default twice for some options
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1121097
Description of problem:
`katello-installer --help` mentions default twice for some options
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. katello-installer --help
Actual results:
= Module certs:
--certs-ca-common-name Common name for the generated CA certificate (default: "<fqdn>")
--certs-ca-expiration Ca expiration attribute for managed certificates (default: "36500")
--certs-city City attribute for managed certificates (default: "Raleigh")
--certs-country Country attribute for managed certificates (default: "US")
--certs-default-ca-name The name of the default CA;
default 'katello' (default: "katello-ca")
--certs-deploy Deploy the certs on the configured system. False means
we want apply it on a different system (default: true)
--certs-expiration Expiration attribute for managed certificates (default: "7300")
--certs-generate Should the generation of the certs be part of the
configuration (default: true)
--certs-group The group who should own the certs;
default 'foreman' (default: "foreman")
--certs-log-dir When the log files should go (default: "/var/log/certs")
--certs-node-fqdn The fqdn of the host the generated certificates
should be for (default: "<fqdn>")
--certs-org Org attribute for managed certificates (default: "SomeOrg")
--certs-org-unit Org unit attribute for managed certificates (default: "SomeOrgUnit")
--certs-password-file-dir The location to store password files (default: "certs::params::password_file_dir")
--certs-pki-dir The PKI directory under which to place certs (default: "/etc/pki/katello")
--certs-regenerate Force regeneration of the certificates (excluding
ca certificates) (default: false)
--certs-regenerate-ca Force regeneration of the ca certificate (default: false)
--certs-ssl-build-dir The directory where SSL keys, certs and RPMs will be generated (default: "/root/ssl-build")
--certs-state State attribute for managed certificates (default: "North Carolina")
--certs-user The system user name who should own the certs;
default 'foreman' (default: "root")
= Module katello:
--katello-config-dir Location for Katello config files (default: "/etc/foreman/plugins")
--katello-group The Katello system user group;
default 'foreman' (default: "foreman")
--katello-log-dir Location for Katello log files to be placed (default: "/var/log/foreman/plugins")
--katello-oauth-key The oauth key for talking to the candlepin API;
default 'katello' (default: "katello")
--katello-oauth-secret The oauth secret for talking to the candlepin API; (default: "tNxhuTUXm6euGJvQd2qaZo43ni4N9uBB")
--katello-post-sync-token The shared secret for pulp notifying katello about
completed syncs (default: "4x9CWGiwdzoPQZLbEpSEQTwUgGx7vo4n")
--katello-proxy-password Proxy password for authentication (default: nil)
--katello-proxy-port Port the proxy is running on (default: nil)
--katello-proxy-url URL of the proxy server (default: nil)
--katello-proxy-username Proxy username for authentication (default: nil)
--katello-use-passenger Whether Katello is being deployed with Passenger;
default true (default: true)
--katello-user The Katello system user name;
default 'foreman' (default: "foreman")
--katello-user-groups Extra user groups the Katello user is a part of;
default 'foreman (default: "foreman")
Expected results:
These options mentions "default" value twice:
Updated by Eric Helms about 10 years ago
- Translation missing: en.field_release set to 14
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Updated by Eric Helms about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to 62