Feature #8497
openForeman unaware of Openstack regions
As explained in: https://community.runabove.com/kb/en/instances/foreman-openstack-multi-region.html
When doing operations with an Openstack compute resource with several, regions, it will fail with
Multiple regions available choose one of these 'SBG-1,BHS-1'
Instead, Openstack compute resources should be cognizant of regions and let users choose what they prefer.
Updated by Jean-Vincent kassi over 7 years ago
Is there any way to have this fixed in the web interface ?
Updated by Jean-Vincent kassi over 7 years ago
How can we manage this ?
We have many regions in our openstack cluster.
Updated by Jean-Vincent kassi about 7 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Urgent
Updated by Anonymous about 7 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
pull requests welcome.
Updated by Jean-Vincent kassi about 7 years ago
My team and i don't have much experience on ruby.
Can you help me or point me to the right direction please ?
Updated by Alexandre Ellert over 6 years ago
- Triaged set to No
Hi guys,
I'd like to deploy from foreman on OVH Cloud (native openstack API available) but I can't do anything because of the missing Region dropdown in Foreman web interface.
I know this feature has been asked for a while but please review it ! Unfortunately I'm not skilled enough to do the job, but I can give donation.