



Feature #8656


Ability to import errata data from an external source.

Added by David LeVene about 10 years ago. Updated 6 months ago.

Need more information
Errata Management
Target version:
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Actions #1

Updated by David LeVene about 10 years ago

I hit enter/submit, before I had a chance to update the required fields so to add some more information...

It would be helpful to be able to manually provide a location for errata data to be imported in from - not sure if this needs to be a feature of pulp first.

Some things which would nice are;
Choice: Ability to either append, or overwrite current errata data
URL to import from
Schedule would be tied to the schedule applied to the product>repo.

Actions #2

Updated by Mike McCune about 10 years ago

Do you have some more specific and concrete examples of some sources for errata that you are thinking of?

Actions #3

Updated by Mike McCune about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Need more information
Actions #4

Updated by David LeVene about 10 years ago

Mike McCune wrote:

Do you have some more specific and concrete examples of some sources for errata that you are thinking of?

Hi Mike,

One example that could be used is the errata data from SCL ( which is currently in bz2 format, but that isn't supported at the moment via pulp ( It would be easy to download and uncompress daily, and then import via this method (cli/api).

Pulp has the ability to manually add single errata, but importing a bunch or errata would be good - lots more scripting could be done and users could have their own errata.

Another thing which i've seen people asking for, is the ability to import CentOS errata data - currently there are scripts to create the errata data from the mailing lists - and if there is a generic import ability built into katello/pulp then it would be easy to setup errata data for CentOS repos. I believe having a feature like this, a guide would come out from the community eventually for specifically importing errata via Katello + CentOS. This would increase the amount of users moving from RH Satellite -> Katello.

I should point out, i'm not sure on the amount of effort vs reward for performing this work - but It would be a useful feature to have.

Actions #5

Updated by J C almost 10 years ago

Yes, it would seem that for Katello to be really useful to the CentOS community, support for importing/using CentOS errata is critical. We need to be able to respond to specific security, in particular, issues (RHSA/CVE), by identifying which hosts are affected, be able to target the specific update to those hosts and report on the outcome.

Actions #6

Updated by Eric Helms almost 10 years ago

  • Category set to Errata Management
  • Translation missing: en.field_release set to 31
  • Triaged changed from No to Yes
Actions #7

Updated by Eric Helms almost 10 years ago

On this topic, Pulp 2.6.1 ( will have support for the Scientific errata.

For the CentOS errata, I think there are 2 options:

1) Someone figures out how to take the CentOS mailing list errata and convert it into a format that Pulp knows and then it can be imported via sync like a regular repository. I imagine the CentOS community would benefit from doing errata right from the start or having a tool to convert.
2) Katello adds the ability to create Errata via an API and then someone can create a script to grab the CentOS errata and create the appropriate errata objects through the API.

Actions #8

Updated by Andrew Lau almost 10 years ago

Hi Eric,

This post [1] may be useful, I've been able to inject the errata into a local centos repo and view these errata through the yum security plugin. Syncing this repo into katello however failed because of the incompatible file format.

There were a few posts on the CentOS mailing list explaining how they won't be posting errata any time soon, however many people have managed to use the work from Steve to import CentOS mailing list errata notices into Spacewalk [2]


Actions #9

Updated by Eric Helms over 9 years ago

  • Translation missing: en.field_release deleted (31)
Actions #10

Updated by Rodrigo Menezes over 9 years ago

Not sure if anyone is interested or not but I created this:

It's poor code, but it's working for me. Only tested with 2.2 and very little testing at that.

Actions #11

Updated by Eric Helms about 9 years ago

  • Translation missing: en.field_release set to 114
Actions #12

Updated by Oliver Weinmann almost 9 years ago

Rodrigo Menezes wrote:

Not sure if anyone is interested or not but I created this:

It's poor code, but it's working for me. Only tested with 2.2 and very little testing at that.

Great stuff. Script works fine with Katello 2.4 it just needs a small adjustment for pulp-admin.

The following site has been helpful in setting up pulp-admin:

For Katello 2.4, the following bug report indicates why the script is not working:

Basically all pulp-admin commands in the script have to be called with -u username -p password. ;)

Actions #13

Updated by Oliver Weinmann almost 9 years ago

Is anyone else using the script? I'm not sure why but even errata is listed and can be applied to a host, running yum update on a machine still shows available updates. It seems that the script reports that errata is already in katello but searching for it doesn't show any errata.

Actions #14

Updated by Eduardo Hernacki over 8 years ago


This script mentioned above is good, but IMHO if Katello provides an API or a way to import a manual errata xml file it would be easier...

Actions #15

Updated by Philippe Schmid over 8 years ago

It would be very handy if Katello itself would be able to import centos-errata without the need of additional/custom scripts.

Actions #16

Updated by Pablo Escobar over 8 years ago

+1 .

This feature would be really nice

Actions #17

Updated by Ian Ballou 6 months ago

  • Target version deleted (Katello Backlog)

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