Bug #9011
closedSatellite 6.0 manifest cannot be refreshed after updating entitlements
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1183114
Description of problem:
Satellite 6.0 manifest cannot be refreshed after updating entitlements
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): Satellite 6.0
How reproducible: Customer Satellite 6.0 is currently broken and issue is %100 repeatable
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Add entitlements to manifest via the Red Hat Customer Portal
2. From the Satellite GUI attempt to 'Refresh Manifest'
Actual results:
The manifest is not refreshed and an error message indicating it has failed is printed in the GUI.
Expected results:
The new manifest will be updated to reflect the recent changes made in the Red Hat Customer Portal to the manifest.
Additional info:
There are errors logged in '/var/log/foreman/production.log' when the 'Refresh Manifest' button is clicked in the Satellite GUI. The main error that caught my attention is:
DeleteRestrictionError: Cannot delete record because of dependent repositories
Full sosreport and foreman-debug are attached to the SFDC case that will be attached to this bug.